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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:27 am

(OOC: Adley is speaking with the Cess Piece Brothers. Colin is in his ways out to kidnap a young Nephandi girl from the hospital. Tane is talking with Amadeus and taking care of Beatrice in the Friday timeline and handling a prisoner and Avatar shard in the Saturday one. Devon have just taken over guard duty on Diego. Happy gaming everyone.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Warpmind Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:01 pm

((OOC: Woohoo, XP! Just a few more threads, and I get another Sphere dot... Wink ))

Colin nodded, "The distinction, I suppose, between setting everyone to defend the home and using everyone to attack the others... I don't object to giving children training, it's sending them out to fight that's the issue."
He sighed and patted Joe on the shoulder, smiling sadly, "I didn't say you could forgive yourself, just that you'll learn to live with it..."
He pondered, "There are... changes coming; it largely boils down to timing. We'll see how it turns out."
He frowned at the car, "Ah, I do believe we're waiting for word from Chief Joakim about using Mirri's van. Better room in the back for the teleportation, and less chance of accidental witnesses."

((OOC2: Arcus Irides Flatulus is still better than the doubly-vulgar incantation of a guy I used to play Mage with - Anus Vulcanus. Yeah, puerile humor can be funny at times. Razz ))

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 4:49 pm

"Well even our young need to train, and sometimes the only real training that can be had is actual conflict you know, and unless we by some miracle manage to end this war, everyone have to fight some day, even the young."
Joe said and sigh sadly.
"I know peace is not to be had, I know that, the world views of the factions are to far apart, but I still wish...wish that there was something that could end the war so that my eventual apprentices and their apprentices again do not have to fight...well if wishes was horses right?"
The young Virtual Adept muttered than he sigh.
"Learning to live with it eh...yeah I guess that is the best I can hope for. Damn it, why did it have to be a kid?"

"Changes are comming you say? Hum...well there is hoping then that I might not have to add kidnapped a twelve year old and sent her to Gilgul to my list of acomplishments."
The young Virtual Adept muttered.

Joe was half done with opening the door to his own car then he snapped his fingers.
"Mirri's van...yeah damned those must be the keys Chief Joakim gave me, yeah sorry about that Colin I was so stressed out by what we where doing I forgot about it. I do not think we need to wait for words, I have the keys to the van, we can just go."
He said and locked his own silver clored car again and walked over to Mirri' spale green van and opened the driver seat door.
"Sorry I just got scatter brained for a moment."

As you get into the van your phone ping and you see it is a message from Cita it reads.
"Your are a silversmith is not that right? Do you think you can tell me something about a piece if I sent you some pictures. It is Jeffry who is asking, but he have no idea how to take pictures on his phone. It is no hurry so take it when you have the time."
There where several pictures included in the text message, the pictures was of a beautiful silver dagger, it was to delicate for heavy use as a weapon, but the handle where ulterian and wrapped in leather, the hilt was set with pearls and the piece where clearly quite expensive.

(OOC: Is that one of the members of the group I guest played in a few times Warp? Oh and sorry for the spelling errors, I am not sure how to use the spell checker on my phone, let me know if there is anything so miss spelled that you can not read it.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Ashan101 Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:15 pm


Devon watches the choristor go, then decides to go in and check the bindings.... after all if he is to assume responsibility then he has to start by making sure that his charge is secure.... He knocks on the door and proceeds into the room...

Hildegard give you a polite nod and then leaves, you hear the soft clicking of her heels on the stone floor as she walks towards the stairs.

You open the door and see a man tied down to a bed, he was of Latino heritage, handsome but rough looking with dark eyes and half length curly dark hair, his clothes where dirty and he fixated you with eyes filled with hate...and badly hidden fear.
"Well lookie here another cocksucker, I hate to say the old whore where better looking, a little ripe but I would still love to tap that."
The man spit at you.
"So what do you want?"
He growled. His bounds there tight, but not enough to hurt him.[/quote]

devon smiles" so you have read how to win friends and influence people !" " To be honest nothing, merely checking that you are not in any danger . Need any food...? "

(ooc sorry it was on wrong page.. had internet connection issues last night and it seems there was a delay in my posy"


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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Warpmind Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:23 pm

Colin smiled thinly, "Si vis pacem, para bellum... Like I said, it's not the training I object to, it's sending kids out to fight before they've matured enough to handle it properly. There's a merit to preserving someone's innocence until they are old enough, if it can be done. And I believe the phrase is if wishes were fishes... which while it rhymes is grammatically incorrect."
He nodded thoughtfully, "A few memories of things to come... well, the Cultists understand my frustration with the concept; let's leave it at that for now."
He grinned, "A perfectly understandable slip; I rather gave you a hell of a burden to shoulder there... Just make sure you remain focused when push comes to shove, and you don't end up with the girl teleported to three different locations. I understand something like that could be unhealthy... hum? Excuse me..."
He looked at the message and sat down in the back of the van, quickly examining the pictures before replying, "I am very much a silversmith. At a glance, this is exquisite craftsmanship; well cared for, could be made any time between this year and the middle ages. Assuming the blade is pure silver, as opposed to a steel blade with silver coating, it is more likely a ritual tool or decorative piece than a weapon; it's a bit too delicate for combat purposes. I would have to examine it in person to say anything more clearly."

((OOC: Yeah, that would be one of Magnus' whims. ))

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:54 pm

"I agree we should not send our children to war, but many do anyway. My Mentor never did though and I Awakened rather young, about as young as the girl we are fetching."
Joe said and frowned.
"As for the sawying there is also one that go if wishes where horses the poor would ride."
He muttered.
"Not that it matters right now."

"Ah I see, Time issues, well I do not study the Sphere myself, but we have a few Cultists here at Morningstar so I get it...I think, or perhaps I do not, anyway I hope you are right."
Joe said as he picked another gummy worm out of the plastic bag he was holding and then offered you another one.

Joe gave you a grim look and sigh.
"Unfortunatly in this case Colin...that is what you said your name was right? I am rather a bit of a talent when it comes to teleportation so any fatal accidents for the girl is unlikely to happen...though killing her but accident would be a easier burden to bare."
He muttered then he nodded as Colin excused himself.
"Off course."

Joe started the car and started driving as Adjan got in and you read and reply to the message you got from Cita, you get a quick reply back.
"Thank you, the blade is pure silver, a new Chantry member got it of a seemingly rather strange fellow he rescued, it is probably not related to anything but the Chief wanted to check, you know with the week we have been having."

Adjan turned to Colin and then asked.
"Should I work your rote on the car now, or after we get the girl, there are some benefits and drawbacks to both."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Warpmind Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:11 pm

Colin frowned, "Hum... odd, I must admit that particular idiom might've passed me by... Well, no matter."
He smiled and shook his head, holding up the bag of muffins, "Pass, but do help yourself - Mirri was in the generous corner. As she seems to be."
He grimaced, "But of course, I did not mean to imply that you should... Ehum, no matter. Let's try to make the girl's impromptu trip as comfortable as possible, shall we?"
He frowned at Cita's reply, "On the assumption the blade has been checked for magic, can someone very carefully dismantle the grip without breaking it, and check for a maker's mark on the tang? If nobody feels delicate enough, I'd like a look upon returning."
He pondered for a moment, "Keep a lookout for spirits from the passenger seat - if the coast is clear, just keep it ready to go until we have the girl. I have no idea how it might interfere with teleportation - best not take any chances; could create an unhealthy backlash for everyone involved."

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Adley Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:34 pm

"Explaining is hard, inside you there is something we can not touch, a roaring flame, both beautiful and so alien to us...inside of your friend though there is many, they are splintered and scarred like the visage of the man that carry them, and in the center sit a shard of mirror with the reflection of a weeping women, she is beautiful, but so sad, and around her are a million star, shards and dust, pieces of the lost."
Allassor said. "Beautiful, but so shattered...not what it once was. It is a galaxy of pain, and hope."

Adley's eyebrows went up as he listened, feeling as if he was hearing something that Colin should be present to hear, he did not like talking about something that private behind his back but he might not get another chance to find out. "Many...hrm...that is unique. It does seem you are able to discern much about us. Pieces of the lost..." he repeated thoughtfully. "Perhaps later I could facilitate a communication between my friend and yourselves, if that is agreeable? After our tasks are completed."

"Earth is earth, burying the marble in earth is fine." Allassor said.

"Very well then." For now, he took the marble and put it back away so he could attend to it later.

"Yes call us when you need us and we shall complete our tasks, we shall protect you and your group and get the one that needs to be preserved back to you, we will preserve and protect that is what we do, it is what we are."

"Good; thank you both. Until that time, safe travels and goodbye, friends."

// the title of this thread is 2/3 foreboding >. <


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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:24 pm


Joe grinned and took a muffin.
"Don't mind if I do, Mirri make the best snacks, but yes sayings and idionyms we can discuss another time."
He said as he headed for the garage and bit into the muffin.

Once in the car the young Virtual Adept nodded and he sigh.
"Yeah I think I could not make anyone believe I had a oops if the girl do not come out of being teleported alive. My Mentor thought me well if you do not mind me saying so myself. Well yes at least we can try to make the girl comfortable, Horizon will not be so kind though...there are pretty strong rumors that prisoner mistreatment is not exactly rare, but while we have her we can try to be least we can do that."
He muttered bitterly

You get a reply back from Cita.
"The blade is not magick itself, but the Resonance of it says that it have been used for magic of some sort. I have done as you say and the maker's mark appear to be just who letter JH. I could have the blade sent to you as well but like I said it is not anything that should need to be checked right away, but when one of us meets someone quite peculiar, then in our current situation we can not afford checking up on it.

Adjan nodded he fished his dice out of his pocket and rolled them around in his hand.
"The coast is clear, just the regular spirits I would expect to see is here."
He commented.


"Yes me and my brother have spent so much time with those imbued with those we can not touch that we are beginning to see them."
Allassor said.
"Yes communicating with your friend is agreeable once the tasks are done, we are not opposed to this."
His brother chimed in.
"Your friend makes things, create things that lasts and are perserved, we like this."

"We like earth, it is part of what we are."
Allassor commented as you put the marble pieces away.

Once you dismiss the two Earth elementals you see them slowly fading from your view as they go back to the High Umbra where they belong.

(OOC 1: Yeah Warp that is the same player who's Euthanatos in one of my games came up with the brilliant idea of using Life 2 to increase the size of an elk many folds and set the animap upon his enemies...fear my mighty combat elk.)

(OOC 2: Foreboding...come now have not this game just been hearts and flowes? Razz )
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Ashan101 Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:25 pm

(ooc did you miss my earlier post?" )


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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:26 pm

"So you are here to make sure I don't expire before I have my magick ripped out om me eh? Well you better hope they do it right or I will return and rape your own Avatar until it can't hold its Quint no more. Get the fuck out of here and leave me be!"
The Nephandus growled at you.

Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Adley Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:42 pm

"Yes me and my brother have spent so much time with those imbued with those we can not touch that we are beginning to see them."
Allassor said.


"Yes communicating with your friend is agreeable once the tasks are done, we are not opposed to this." His brother chimed in. "Your friend makes things, create things that lasts and are perserved, we like this."

"Good, I will let him know once some of these current crises are handled."

Once you dismiss the two Earth elementals you see them slowly fading from your view as they go back to the High Umbra where they belong.

He raised a hand in farewell and then put everything away where it belonged again, closing up the circle and setting it back up with the candle so he could call Tyler back.

// well, maybe flowers that smell sweet while they kill you and hearts that are broken?


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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Ashan101 Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:51 pm

Anja Rebekka Schultze wrote:"So you are here to make sure I don't expire before I have my magick ripped out om me eh? Well you better hope they do it right or I will return and rape your own Avatar until it can't hold its Quint no more. Get the fuck out of here and leave me be!"
The Nephandus growled at you.

Smles gently " I will take that as a no then, enjoy your own company then" Devon retreats nd locks the door


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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Warpmind Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:16 pm

Colin thought for a moment and tapped back to Cita, "JH does not ring an immediate bell, however, I do have a fairly extensive index of makers' marks - comes with the profession, as I'm sure you can imagine - I just might be able to locate the craftsman who made it with a little time. Of course, if there's a sense of urgency, I'm sure you can find someone to let you into my apartment - the book in question is a rather large, black hardcover titled 'Silverwrights in the Western World', it rather sticks out in the bookcase. There are also online resources - probably easier to use that. How is Beatrice?"
He nodded to Adjan, "Good - stay alert, though. But if the coast remains clear, might as well wait to throw up the cloak until the teleportation's done - don't want to needlessly risk interference."

((OOC1: Sounds like something he'd do, yeah. Decidedly a novel idea.))
((OOC: Hearts and flowers? More like Flowers and Hearts and Vile Kitten Farts. And the flowers are flesh-eating orchids, indeed. Wink ))

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:21 pm


"You find it interesting that things are what they are? Incarnate beings are indeed strange even if there is a bit of a being like us in you."
Allassor said seemingly confused.

"Yes tell your friend, we are not sure how it works, but if he can nto see us, you can translate, we know humans beings can do this, we have seen it done."
The white marble knight said.

You set up the circle and the candle and make ready to call Tyler. You call the vampire woman, she quickly picks up and the candle flame is dead still, she is alone and no one is listening.
"Yes...Mr Roth Hicks? It is I."


Diego looks at you and grins.
"Aww do not go, I mean I prefer women but I will take what I can get, but you can use that pretty mouth of yours to do something else than talking."
He said and lugh.

You get out of the cell, the young black woman who was guarding one of the other doors sigh.
"You have been stuck with quite a character to guard Sir."
She said and smiles a little.
"Now a plesant man now is he?"

(OOC: Well dying while smelling good is one positive at least Razz Working on Warps reply.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Adley Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:30 pm

"You find it interesting that things are what they are? Incarnate beings are indeed strange even if there is a bit of a being like us in you."
Allassor said seemingly confused.

"I find it interesting because I did not know that's how it was, at least from your perspective, until you told me," he said.

"Yes tell your friend, we are not sure how it works, but if he can nto see us, you can translate, we know humans beings can do this, we have seen it done." The white marble knight said.

He nodded. "I believe I might be able to help my friend perceive you but conversing with you is another matter, as he does not know this tongue that we share. If you know English or Latin, then perhaps that will suffice or I will translate. We can determine that at a time when such is necessary."

You set up the circle and the candle and make ready to call Tyler. You call the vampire woman, she quickly picks up and the candle flame is dead still, she is alone and no one is listening. "Yes...Mr Roth Hicks? It is I."

"So it is. I am progressing on setting things up for your grandchilde so that we may take care of the other matters. I believe we are nearly ready on this end so I thought I should call so you can get yourselves ready. I am willing to allow a ghoul to travel with him as far as the meeting place, as I said. I was told though it should not be someone your grandchilde has shared blood with, as that would make what has to be done much more difficult. I believe you had said it would be one of your own, I do not know what kind of impact that would have," he began.


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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:35 pm

You get a reply back from Cita.
"Thank you, it really should be nothing, probably Steelhaven's new member Mr Miles just came across a vampire but what he described is like no vampire I have ever heard about and I have this feeling in my gut it is relevant. I am not going to be the one searching I have to much to do with my patients but I am sure Jeffry can shanghai someone into doing it, searing online you say, very well I will tell him that. As for Beatrice she is...upset and she is delicate the fright she got have affected her, Amadeus is trying to calm her down. I have to say though I am worried about her mental state."

Adjan nodded.
"The coast remains clear."
He said as he focused on his dice.

The drive was not very long and soon the green van parked outside of a closed convenisence store, a few blocks away you could see the towering structure of the hospital. Joe picked up his tablet and took a cable that he put into the device and then plugged into a socket in the nape of his neck that he been hidden by his hair.
"Ok I am starting to search for the girl now...get ready..."
The Virtual Adept said but he did not sound pleased about it.

(OOC: Yeah the combat elk was not that effective though, it was the group's ex mage Gangerel that solved the problem of the day...because he was having a depressive spell and just sat there and when the group forgot him in their home, and the bad gyes broke in, he continued to just sit there not giving a shit so he overheard everything they said, so when the group finally rememered they had forgtten the Gangrel at home and came back for him he could tell them what they needed to know, as he was so still he had never been discovered...though it took a few hours of game time before he decided to move and talk again, let us say that the player of the Gangrel is the oposite of Mr Combat Elk, he plays his character very internally and quietly.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:47 pm

"I see, so it is like when we see a human do something we did not know, and then we know? But when we learn something, we have always known it, there is no before and after we know something."
The Umbrood said, still seaming quite confused.

"Language is something belonging to your world carrier of the beacon within, we communicate in feelings and concepts, we prefer the sounds that we make now, since this language to is based on emotions and concepts, but at times we speak with other incarnate beings, who do not speak this language, and they will hear us in their own words, but communication get harder, less detailed."
Alassor explained.
"The easiest for us is to communicate directly as when you held stones for us, so we send emotions and your own mind translate it into words. But you translating for your friend is acceptable."

"I see, good we are ready here. I will send a ghoul with Karl to make sure he get there safely then."
Tyler said.
"My grandchilde do not have a ghoul, but I agree it would be difficult for someone blood bonded to see their Master staked or knowing that they are brining them to a place where they will be hurt, and it might spur them to act in unfortunate ways. I will send one of my own servants to protect him."
The vampiress agreed.
"The ghoul I am sending are a good man, professional, he is not going to cause trouble."
She said.
"Where should I tell them to go?"
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Adley Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:22 pm

"I see, so it is like when we see a human do something we did not know, and then we know? But when we learn something, we have always known it, there is no before and after we know something."

"That's correct," he agreed. Or, at least as correct as a being without time passing could probably approximate.

"Language is something belonging to your world carrier of the beacon within, we communicate in feelings and concepts, we prefer the sounds that we make now, since this language to is based on emotions and concepts, but at times we speak with other incarnate beings, who do not speak this language, and they will hear us in their own words, but communication get harder, less detailed." Alassor explained. "The easiest for us is to communicate directly as when you held stones for us, so we send emotions and your own mind translate it into words. But you translating for your friend is acceptable."

"I believe I understand."

"My grandchilde do not have a ghoul, but I agree it would be difficult for someone blood bonded to see their Master staked or knowing that they are brining them to a place where they will be hurt, and it might spur them to act in unfortunate ways. I will send one of my own servants to protect him." The vampiress agreed. "The ghoul I am sending are a good man, professional, he is not going to cause trouble."

"Good. Does he have a nickname I can use for him? And what do they appear like, so that we will know who approaches us? It might be helpful to set up some kind of signal or passcode so we don't find ourselves in a predicament."

She said. "Where should I tell them to go?"

"There is one more thing to handle first, if you don't mind. Are you in the vicinity of a mailbox or similar enclosed area that is out of public view? One that you would not mind sharing an address with us, that you can watch a few moments?"


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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Warpmind Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:44 pm

Colin frowned, and typed back, "If I were to guess at anything, I would have said the blade belonged to a Mage. Possibly... one of the Fair Folk. It looks to be for ritual purpose, not combat, so I agree with your gut feeling. I would suggest conferring with Deaconess Mara about the person's description - she might have some personal insights."
He arched an eyebrow at the sight of Joe's implant, "Very William Gibson. Is that for data storage, control interface or extra processing power?"
He sighed and fished out the handcuffs, ready to slap them into place at an instant's notice, "Right, ready when you are."

((OOC: Yeah, the most combat-capable elk-like creature would be in the 2nd Edition Exalted manual - the Blasphemoose. It's... kind of awful. Wink ))

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:46 pm

"Is not that very impractical? to have a before you learn something, and after you learn something?"
Allassor said as he regarded you.
"What is it like to be linear, do it hurt?"
He asked and the way he looked at you is the same way you would look at someone who where green and suddenly grew horns.

"Very well then a way to coomunicate with the one with the million stars inside should be possible."
Innamon said.

"Karl is of medium height and built, his hair is brown and short, his lips are thin and so are his nose but his eyes are rather large and bulging. The goul, just call him Steve is tall and thin, his hair is very blond, his eyes are dark blue, he have a scar running from his hairline to his jaw on the left side, he is currently wearing a red shirt, black west and black coat and pants. What if I ask the boys to tap their temple three times as a signal, do that work for you?"
Tyler said.

"Very well what other matter is it that needs to be solved?"
The vampiress listen as you explain then she says.
"So we are not sending the papers with Karl anymore? I have a box under the seat of my bike, I could drop the papers and you said a phone? In that and just drive a bit away from here and sit on it for a few minutes, do that work for you?"
The Anarch leader said then she added with a bit of luaghter in her voice.
"I guess you are going to teleport the papers then, just do not port my ass while you are at it, I sort of need it."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:00 pm

You get a reply back from Cita:
"I will tell Jeffry to talk to Deaconess Mara, fay can match with the description of the man I heard from Darrian Haagen. A abmormally tall and thin man, that looked sort of like a Tolkien elf, but with white skin and no pulse or breath. He was found in a terrible state and said someone had attacked him but he would not say who he is or who attacked him."

Joe grinned a bit.
"Yeah William Gibson, if my faction within the Adepts had a god it would be him. The tech is stolen from the Union though, I have a DEI."
He said as he looked into nothing, seeing a datastream that where invisible to you.
"It is for all three, really, mostly it is for date processing though, but it do offer storage capabilities as well and allow me to more easily navigate through data."
He said as he worked.
"Ok, I think I got it, Jane Doe, give or take thirteen came in with a gunshot wound but it appeared much less serious than first assumed, I have her room number...should I...execute the program?"
The Virtual Adept asked.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Warpmind Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:13 pm

Colin arched an eyebrow, "DEI? Nevermind, you can explain later. Sounds like something that could come in handy, if you can use it. I can imagine it would be a marvelous device for a pilot, for controlling an Umbral Ship or even more mundane aircraft."
He stood up in the back of the van, preparing to rush the girl with the handcuffs as soon as she appeared, "If she is alone, go ahead. Be warned, she's good with countermagic. Execute at will."

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:41 pm

"Yes DEI, digetal enhanstment implant, the Iteration X do it to their recruits, it would probably be useful for a Umbral Pilot yes, but the downside is the need to cut out a chunk of brain to install that was scary as shit, at least I had the operation done of my own free will I was not strapped down and forced as many are with the Union."
Joe muttered as he worked.

"Countermagick, let us hope I can suprise her then."
The Adept said and he tapped at his tablet a few times...and then there was a young girl dressed in a hospital gown in the back of the van, the girl had been sleeping but she woke up as she suddenly apperared in the middle of the van, the young girl looked absolutly confused, she did no better with being teleported that most who where not used to it, and yet her small fingers started moving in the sigils of a spell, quickly and elegantly.
"What...where...what is happening..."
She shouted then she saw you, the girl looked a bit younger now that the make up had been washed of her face though she still looked older than she was.
She muttered.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13 Empty Re: A Rescue, A Capture and Bad Choices IC Thread 13

Post by Adley Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:56 pm

"Is not that very impractical? to have a before you learn something, and after you learn something?" Allassor said as he regarded you

"It is part of how we are made, and why we can change, practicality aside."

"What is it like to be linear, do it hurt?" He asked and the way he looked at you is the same way you would look at someone who where green and suddenly grew horns

"Sometimes," he said, thoughtfully. "Yes, sometimes it hurts to not know something you wish you did later. But that is the way it is for us, both for good and ill. If we knew our entire being and everything we were and could be all at once, it would probably not be good for us."

"Karl is of medium height and built, his hair is brown and short, his lips are thin and so are his nose but his eyes are rather large and bulging. The goul, just call him Steve is tall and thin, his hair is very blond, his eyes are dark blue, he have a scar running from his hairline to his jaw on the left side, he is currently wearing a red shirt, black west and black coat and pants. What if I ask the boys to tap their temple three times as a signal, do that work for you?"

"That sounds good. If we're in view we shall return it."

"So we are not sending the papers with Karl anymore? I have a box under the seat of my bike, I could drop the papers and you said a phone? In that and just drive a bit away from here and sit on it for a few minutes, do that work for you?" The Anarch leader said then she added with a bit of luaghter in her voice. "I guess you are going to teleport the papers then, just do not port my ass while you are at it, I sort of need it."

"Debating practicality versus all the eggs in one basket," he mused as she asked about the plans. "Well, unless you are holding onto the phone at the time, I do not believe there will be much cause to worry," he said with a faint smile. "I am not that eager to meet you in person until it is necessary," he added sounding a little amused. "Just make sure that no one that is not like us can tell what's happening. The phone will be called so I will need the number. Then you would put the papers and the phone together into the box with the line open."

//Thranduil's elk looked like it could take a piece of a person or five on the battlefield!


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