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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:30 pm

[Chief's Office]

He frowned, "At least it looks as though we can avoid the highest cost for that special someone... A few drops of blood for tracking, I think she'll be able to endure that."

"Hopefully yes we will be able to find an alternative to needing Miss Haagen's spinal fluids indeed, a few drops of her blood will hopefully not be a problem."
Jeffry agreed.

He smiled wryly, "I believe she got quite a bit of information out of him."

"Well I would not want to be in the situation of having information the good lady desperately wanted."
The Chief said darkly.

He nodded, "And I'm sure we have others besides the Euthanatoi who can do as well with a ghost or two..."

"We do at that Miss Gottschalk for example."
Jeffry agreed.

[Common Room]

He smiled wryly, "Strange circumstances, unlikely to be repeated."

"Well if they are repeated please save my Master from the well I guess demon is the right word, he was stupid enough to sell his soul to."
Ruin requested.

He pondered, flipping the folded note over in his hand, "In that case, mind sitting this one out, and and keeping an eye on things from here? We're more likely to need an exorcist or similar specialist, then, and we'll either need to get a second car, or swap out a teammate. Besides, Master Sharaya could probably use the extra help while he's restricted in his work..."

"Yeah sure not a problem, I am only a phone call away anyway, and I can work from here, just let me send you the prog..ehm rotes I have prepared so the team can use them if there is need and I will head up stairs and see if Master Sharaya need anything."
Jon agreed with a nod.
"And you can call me if you need me."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Warpmind Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:06 pm

[Chief's Office]
Anja wrote:"Well I would not want to be in the situation of having information the good lady desperately wanted."
The Chief said darkly.
Colin shrugged, "I think the issue would be greater if it was information I was unwilling to part with - I'd be quite glad to share information with her, rather than have it extricated, really..."

[Common Room]
Anja wrote:"Well if they are repeated please save my Master from the well I guess demon is the right word, he was stupid enough to sell his soul to."
Ruin requested.
He frowned, then shrugged, "I'm not allowed to promise anything... so I will not make any promises in that regard."

Anja wrote:"Yeah sure not a problem, I am only a phone call away anyway, and I can work from here, just let me send you the prog..ehm rotes I have prepared so the team can use them if there is need and I will head up stairs and see if Master Sharaya need anything."
Jon agreed with a nod.
"And you can call me if you need me."
He nodded, "That sounds like a plan... Ah, but before you go..."
He quickly scrawled down 'Please do not read until I return. C.W.' on the folded page and handed it to Jon, "Would you be so kind as to deliver this to the Chief on your way up?"

As Jon headed off, he took out his phone and sent a message to Hildegard, 'Madame, change of plans. If I could bother you to accompany us on the mission to rescue a vampire, it seems an exorcist may be more valuable than an electronics expert after all.'

Then he headed down the stairs toward the laundry room.

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:19 pm

[Chief's Office]

Colin shrugged, "I think the issue would be greater if it was information I was unwilling to part with - I'd be quite glad to share information with her, rather than have it extricated, really..."

"Yes that is a good point and an important distinction."
Jeffry said and he raised and eyebrow.
"Let us hope to always stay on the same side as the good lady."

[Common Room]

He frowned, then shrugged, "I'm not allowed to promise anything... so I will not make any promises in that regard."

Ruin just sigh at that.

He nodded, "That sounds like a plan... Ah, but before you go..."
He quickly scrawled down 'Please do not read until I return. C.W.' on the folded page and handed it to Jon, "Would you be so kind as to deliver this to the Chief on your way up?"

"Ah...yes off course no problem."
Jon said and he accepted the letter,
"I will send you those apps before you go."
He promised.

As Jon headed off, he took out his phone and sent a message to Hildegard, 'Madame, change of plans. If I could bother you to accompany us on the mission to rescue a vampire, it seems an exorcist may be more valuable than an electronics expert after all.'

You got a reply back from the elderly Chorister.
"I will be right down Mr Wainwright, shall I meet you in the garage."


Then he headed down the stairs toward the laundry room.

You got down to the laundry room, you found Serge standing over Vera's crate, the vampiress herself was making soft whimpering sounds and Alexis sat chained to the radiator seaming rather stressed at her Mistress's distress. Arn looked at you and stood.
"The prisoner woke up Sir."
The young Solificato informed you.
"She have been making those sounds on and of since then and Mr Yager is trying to communicate with her."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Age : 42
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:56 pm


Anja's Post:

'Erm... thanks.' Nicole replied, clearly not expecting this as she took the vial, tapping the glass gently with a fingernail. 'Blood... so either a vampire or one of their slaves? Does it have any effect to others?'

Anja's Post:

'Hex-head screws?' she repeated, clearly baffled by the question. 'That's Allen keys... though you can get 'em as driver bits too. Got a load in the workshop, we have... though if it's urgent I'll lend mine.'
Nicole Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Mon Jul 01, 2019 6:20 pm


'Erm... thanks.' Nicole replied, clearly not expecting this as she took the vial, tapping the glass gently with a fingernail. 'Blood... so either a vampire or one of their slaves? Does it have any effect to others?'

The bottle glowed a little as you tapped at it.
"No, the gas smell bad but beyond possible nausea it will not affect anyone without Massassa blood and yes it will affect the Massassa themselve and their slaves. It is of course quite vulgar for me and deadly to any with Massassa blood so do not use it unless you have to but if you find yourself in a situation you can not get out of, that bottle is a way to deal with it."
Darrian replied.

'Hex-head screws?' she repeated, clearly baffled by the question. 'That's Allen keys... though you can get 'em as driver bits too. Got a load in the workshop, we have... though if it's urgent I'll lend mine.'

"No not urgent it was Cava who needed one for a project, something she is making, she is always making something and she asked me to get her one ehm...they come in different sizes right? She said she needed one that would screw in 3 mm screws but not a regular one that you put into the screw, but rather the screw itself are raised so she need a screwdriver with a hole that the head of the screw go into..."
The alchemist said and he scratched his head as he tried to make sense of his notes.
"But yes no hurry it is just one of my apprentice's fancies, to be gotten to when there is time for it."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Age : 42
Location : Sotra (Norway)

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:01 pm


Anja's Post:

'I see. What's it's shelf-life? Thinking a dozen or so of these in the stores might be an idea...'

Anja's Post:

'She knows she could just come ask me, right?' the Etherite replied, giving a little smile. 'Would think she'd have her own set of Allens, actually...'
Nicole Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard

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Age : 37

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:22 pm


'I see. What's it's shelf-life? Thinking a dozen or so of these in the stores might be an idea...'

"They should keep for a year or so before they start to become less effective. The effect hang pretty well so it should keep."
Darrian said and he nodded.
"I certainly could make some more yes."

She knows she could just come ask me, right?' the Etherite replied, giving a little smile. 'Would think she'd have her own set of Allens, actually...'

"She do but she have been ordered not to leave young Kyle who is babysitting's apartment at the moment and after that not leave mine, we know Wallace Jace will be after her so she is not allowed to wander around on her own at the moment just in case the Chantry is hit. She says she have a set of the ones you put into the hole in the screw, but not the ones with the hole in the screwdriver so you put the screw into it."
The alchemist explained.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:07 pm


Anja's Post:

'Was thinking that we should build up a better stock of general-use kit; stuff like fake IDs, flash-bangs, smoke grenades... but this would make a good addition. Though might be an idea to see if you could extend the shelf-life. Y'know, if the Chief thinks my idea is a good one.'

Anja's Post:

'Ah... she needs a set of female Allens.' Nicole replied, clearly now understanding the situation. 'Think I know where mine are... not much use for 'em. I'll drop 'em off on my way down to the garage. Is the kid at home?'
Nicole Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard

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Age : 37

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:13 pm


Anja wrote:The wounded vampiress continued to look at you, the idea of telepathy did not seam to bother her or suprise her much so she just continued to look at you.

"Awesome. Just keep looking at me. Look inside your mind and just listen for the sound of my voice." Serge said, leaning forward slightly so that Vera could get a better look at his pupil.

He maintained eye contact with her, unblinking, as he slowed his breath and elevated his mind past it's boundaries, reaching out towards Vera's mind to establish a connection between them. As he glanced in Vera's sad eyes, he placed himself in her shoes. The fear she was feeling. The confusion. The worry. By understanding her mental state, he would have an easier time connecting their thoughts.

In his mind he thought these words. "So Vera, can you hear me? Just think your response."

(OOC: Mind 3 effect to establish a telepathic connection with Vera.

Arete Roll: 10, 4, 1, 8 - 7, 2, 8, 4 - 5, 7, 5, 9 )
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:33 pm


Was thinking that we should build up a better stock of general-use kit; stuff like fake IDs, flash-bangs, smoke grenades... but this would make a good addition. Though might be an idea to see if you could extend the shelf-life. Y'know, if the Chief thinks my idea is a good one.'

"I think perhaps extending the shelf life is beyond me at the moment as that would probably take permanent enchantment, but perhaps if I get help with that part it could be done, having a general use kit do sound like a good idea though, I will make an apointment to speak with Chief Morgan about it."
Darrian agreed with a nod.

'Ah... she needs a set of female Allens.' Nicole replied, clearly now understanding the situation. 'Think I know where mine are... not much use for 'em. I'll drop 'em off on my way down to the garage. Is the kid at home?'

"Thank you Miss Bouchard that will make Cava very happy. No she is at Kyle's apartment we put all the kids in one apartment so it will be easy to defend if something happened, also the little ones was scared by the explosion so it was best not to leave them alone."
The alchemist said with a smile though he was clearly a bit worried about the possibility of someone attacking.
"I think she brought the project she is working on with her though."


"Awesome. Just keep looking at me. Look inside your mind and just listen for the sound of my voice." Serge said, leaning forward slightly so that Vera could get a better look at his pupil.

He maintained eye contact with her, unblinking, as he slowed his breath and elevated his mind past it's boundaries, reaching out towards Vera's mind to establish a connection between them. As he glanced in Vera's sad eyes, he placed himself in her shoes. The fear she was feeling. The confusion. The worry. By understanding her mental state, he would have an easier time connecting their thoughts.

In his mind he thought these words. "So Vera, can you hear me? Just think your response."

Vera continued to look at you though tears where rolling from her eyes, staining the bedding she was wrapped into, you heard her reply though.
"Yes I hear you...please make this pain stop...please...just make it stop."
She thought desperately.
"Where am I? What happened?"
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:42 pm


Anja wrote:Vera continued to look at you though tears where rolling from her eyes, staining the bedding she was wrapped into, you heard her reply though.
"Yes I hear you...please make this pain stop...please...just make it stop."
She thought desperately.
"Where am I? What happened?"

"You are currently in a mage chantry. You and your servant were taken from your apartments under suspicion of being connected to the one spreading a plague across the city." Serge replied, thinking his response so all those on the outside who looked at him would simply see him silently gazing into the crate with a faraway look in his eyes.

He glanced over at the stake in her chest. "Before I explain further I should probably relieve you of your pain. I'm afraid I can't remove that stake but I can try and dull the pain your feeling just like I did it before while we were in your apartment. Would that be all right with you?"
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:51 pm


"You are currently in a mage chantry. You and your servant were taken from your apartments under suspicion of being connected to the one spreading a plague across the city." Serge replied, thinking his response so all those on the outside who looked at him would simply see him silently gazing into the crate with a faraway look in his eyes.

"Mages...but you are not Tremere?"
Vera thought.
"Please I have not done anything please just let me go."
She begged and she whimpered again.

He glanced over at the stake in her chest. "Before I explain further I should probably relieve you of your pain. I'm afraid I can't remove that stake but I can try and dull the pain your feeling just like I did it before while we were in your apartment. Would that be all right with you?"

"Do whatever you hurts...sleeping helped but it still hurt while I slept, please just let me go."
The vampire begged she was clearly terrified and hurting.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Age : 42
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:00 pm


Anja's Post:

'Whoa... don't make it too difficult to make, like. If you do, it'll never be used. What I call "Grandma's china" syndrome. Which is shown by this baby.' twiddling the vial in her hand.

Anja's Post:

'I'll drop it in, then.'
Nicole Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:24 pm


Anja wrote:"Mages...but you are not Tremere?"
Vera thought.
"Please I have not done anything please just let me go."
She begged and she whimpered again.

"No we're not the tremere. In fact, I think the tremere used to be us. But my history isn't that good." Serge thought with a inquisitive look before slowly changing into a frown. "And if it were up to me, I'd have let you go. Actually I wouldn't have taken you at all. But it's not up to me. According to my boss, we can't risk having you inform your family about us before we stop this plague. Once this whole thing is over, we'll let you go free."

Anja wrote:"Do whatever you hurts...sleeping helped but it still hurt while I slept, please just let me go."
The vampire begged she was clearly terrified and hurting.

"Yeah asking was kinda stupid wasn't it? But I needed time for this..." Serge said as he placed the final touches on his notepad doodle. He ripped the piece of paper off and placed it into Vera's crate right in front of her. Since she was on her side, all she would need to do was look straight ahead to see it.

It was a picture of Vera, elegantly clad in a white dress with Frufru on her lap and Alexis standing next to her. "Look at that picture and only that picture. Think about something that brings you happiness. Something that brings you joy or comfort. Find that thing and focus on it. Focus on it so hard that all other stimuli melt away into obscurity."

As he thought, he focused his mind once again, using the connection he had established with Vera to alter her mind so that it ignored all of the pain, diminishing the pain by not acknowledging it.

(OOC:  Mind 3 effect to diminish Vera's pain by getting her to ignore it as well as providing a calming sensation.

Arete Roll: 9, 7, 1, 4 - 5, 7, 8, 2 - 8, 4, 3, 1 )
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

Posts : 5119
Join date : 2017-08-16

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Warpmind Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:40 pm

[Chief's Office]
Anja wrote:"Yes that is a good point and an important distinction."
Jeffry said and he raised and eyebrow.
"Let us hope to always stay on the same side as the good lady."
Colin smiled, "So long as we don't do anything impressively stupid, like try to hurt her precious Swan, I think we will be fine."

[Common Room]
Anja wrote:"Ah...yes off course no problem."
Jon said and he accepted the letter,
"I will send you those apps before you go."
He promised.
He nodded, "Much obliged. Make sure Adley and Serge get copies, too, alright?"

Anja wrote:You got a reply back from the elderly Chorister.
"I will be right down Mr Wainwright, shall I meet you in the garage."
He smiled and typed back, 'Capital. We will be taking the Subaru. I have to swing by the laundry room to check on our prisoners there.'

Anja wrote:You got down to the laundry room, you found Serge standing over Vera's crate, the vampiress herself was making soft whimpering sounds and Alexis sat chained to the radiator seaming rather stressed at her Mistress's distress. Arn looked at you and stood.
"The prisoner woke up Sir."
The young Solificato informed you.
"She have been making those sounds on and of since then and Mr Yager is trying to communicate with her."
Jeremy wrote:"Yeah asking was kinda stupid wasn't it? But I needed time for this..." Serge said as he placed the final touches on his notepad doodle. He ripped the piece of paper off and placed it into Vera's crate right in front of her. Since she was on her side, all she would need to do was look straight ahead to see it.

It was a picture of Vera, elegantly clad in a white dress with Frufru on her lap and Alexis standing next to her. "Look at that picture and only that picture. Think about something that brings you happiness. Something that brings you joy or comfort. Find that thing and focus on it. Focus on it so hard that all other stimuli melt away into obscurity."

As he thought, he focused his mind once again, using the connection he had established with Vera to alter her mind so that it ignored all of the pain, diminishing the pain by not acknowledging it.
He nodded to Arn, "So you let me know... I'm assuming she's not communicated with you... ah, I guess that telepathy, for vampires, usually requires a bit older vampires than Miss Milliner is, and perhaps it's limited to certain Clans, too..."

He sighed and stepped inside the room, glancing at what Serge was doing, at the little picture he'd drawn, then crouched down next to Vera's head, "Son... could you tell her that I am terribly sorry that we had no other options than this, but that she's presently in the safest possible place? The Technocracy, it seems, has captured her father, and I very much doubt he'll last long in their hands. With us, Miss Milliner will be released, and I will do what I can to let her and Alexis have an extra bit of protection from the fallout of her father's actions..."

Posts : 10823
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Age : 44
Location : Knarvik, Norway

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Adley Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:03 am

[Cheif's Office]

He smiled wryly, "Just looking is pretty much the extent of my reach for now - though with Dahl's unexpected departure from this world, we were pretty damned close to another... Still, the interrogation should be going on properly, securing the information we extricated from him in the other timeline."
"At least we caught his spirit."
Jeffry said.
"I hope Lady Crexia manage to get something out of him."
He smiled wryly, "I believe she got quite a bit of information out of him."
"Well I would not want to be in the situation of having information the good lady desperately wanted."
The Chief said darkly.
Colin shrugged, "I think the issue would be greater if it was information I was unwilling to part with - I'd be quite glad to share information with her, rather than have it extricated, really..."
"Yes that is a good point and an important distinction."
Jeffry said and he raised and eyebrow.
"Let us hope to always stay on the same side as the good lady."

"We did?" he said at first, in surprise then fell quiet listening to the exchange.

"Very well you can ask them, the Euhanatoi might be able to help you with this."
Jeffry agreed.
He frowned, "Miss Mandis is... occupied, keeping Freddy sane and safe before... the plague is ended. I'm afraid I can't condone taking her away from that. If we need a specialist in spirits, we still have others we can ask."
"I agree Miss Mandis should attend to the needs of Miss Adlebloom this can not be easy for her Mr Wainwright, we do however have more Euthanatoi at the Chantry."
The old Flambeau agreed.
"We do at that Miss Gottschalk for example."
Jeffry agreed.

"Of course," he said with a nod. "Very true."

"Yes Mr Sherman study Ars Spiritus."
Jeffry confirmed.
"I told you he was ranked but the Mercere lost the paperwork of it the first time."

"That's right; I knew that." He shook his head as if that would help the information stick this time.


"You wanted me to call Adley, I have not had a chance before now, not with the injured after the explosion."
Richard said.
"I am back at Steelhaven now."

'Understandably, you were busy. Was everything okay when you went over? Though I hate talking over the phone, I am still concerned about that. And what just happened too..."


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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:06 am


Whoa... don't make it too difficult to make, like. If you do, it'll never be used. What I call "Grandma's china" syndrome. Which is shown by this baby.' twiddling the vial in her hand.

"Well as long as I do not give them more than a year or so of shelf like I can make a handful of these in a few days."
Darrian said.
"So it is not to hard."

I'll drop it in, then.'

"Thank you Miss Bouchard I appropriate it."
The alchemist replied with a smile.


"No we're not the tremere. In fact, I think the tremere used to be us. But my history isn't that good." Serge thought with a inquisitive look before slowly changing into a frown. "And if it were up to me, I'd have let you go. Actually I wouldn't have taken you at all. But it's not up to me. According to my boss, we can't risk having you inform your family about us before we stop this plague. Once this whole thing is over, we'll let you go free."

"How long will that be?"
Vera thought.
"I...can't take really hurts...I did not know it was this hurts please...let me go."
She continued and she whimpered again.

"Yeah asking was kinda stupid wasn't it? But I needed time for this..." Serge said as he placed the final touches on his notepad doodle. He ripped the piece of paper off and placed it into Vera's crate right in front of her. Since she was on her side, all she would need to do was look straight ahead to see it.

It was a picture of Vera, elegantly clad in a white dress with Frufru on her lap and Alexis standing next to her. "Look at that picture and only that picture. Think about something that brings you happiness. Something that brings you joy or comfort. Find that thing and focus on it. Focus on it so hard that all other stimuli melt away into obscurity."

As he thought, he focused his mind once again, using the connection he had established with Vera to alter her mind so that it ignored all of the pain, diminishing the pain by not acknowledging it.

It was extremely difficult to get through, getting her to sleep earlier had been easier as it was during the day and she had wanted to sleep but getting her mind of her intense pain enough for her to ignore it was extremely hard and it did not seam to work for the vampire continued to whimper and make sore little sounds, she looked at the drawing though. Getting her mind of things a little bit was not to hard and it did seam to help a little, but enough for her to ignore the extreme stimuli she was feeling that was allot harder. You did manage to calm her down a little at least.

He nodded to Arn, "So you let me know... I'm assuming she's not communicated with you... ah, I guess that telepathy, for vampires, usually requires a bit older vampires than Miss Milliner is, and perhaps it's limited to certain Clans, too..."

"No Sir she have made some sounds but that is it, and mostly they are just sounds of panic or pain."
Arn said.
"I think Mr Yager is trying to communicate with her though."

He sighed and stepped inside the room, glancing at what Serge was doing, at the little picture he'd drawn, then crouched down next to Vera's head, "Son... could you tell her that I am terribly sorry that we had no other options than this, but that she's presently in the safest possible place? The Technocracy, it seems, has captured her father, and I very much doubt he'll last long in their hands. With us, Miss Milliner will be released, and I will do what I can to let her and Alexis have an extra bit of protection from the fallout of her father's actions..."

Vera's eye went from the drawing to try to focus on the new person around her, she thought to Serge though.
"Please tell your friend I am not deaf I can hear him. What are the Technocracy...they have my father what do he mean? How can this be safe? What have been done with Alexis and my cat? Please just let me hurts...just let us go!"
She thought desperately and she whimpered softly again.

[Chief's Office]

Colin smiled, "So long as we don't do anything impressively stupid, like try to hurt her precious Swan, I think we will be fine."

"This Miss Swan is her girlfriend? No I do not think attacking Lady Crexia's loved ones are a good idea."
Jeffry said and he raised an eyebrow.

"We did?" he said at first, in surprise then fell quiet listening to the exchange.

"Yes Mr Terach managed to catch it before Dahl's patrons caught it and he and Miss Gottschalk managed to hold it until Lady Crexia got here so it could be interrogated mea filius."
Your Mentor explained.
"Commendable effort by them both."

"Of course," he said with a nod. "Very true."

Jeffry nodded at that.

"That's right; I knew that." He shook his head as if that would help the information stick this time.

"I am sure Mr Sherman will be glad to hear that."
The Chief said with a bit of why smile.

[Common Room]

He nodded, "Much obliged. Make sure Adley and Serge get copies, too, alright?"

"Certainly I will send it to them and to Nicole as well."
Jon said.

He smiled and typed back, 'Capital. We will be taking the Subaru. I have to swing by the laundry room to check on our prisoners there.'

You got a rely back which said.
"Very well I will head down at once."

A few moments later you, Nicole, Adley and Serge got a text message from Jon containing three apps for installing. Vera would clearly get spooked by the sound of the phone when it rang the message sound for Serge.


'Understandably, you were busy. Was everything okay when you went over? Though I hate talking over the phone, I am still concerned about that. And what just happened too..."

"Yes both the Enforcer and her cat was fine, she is recovering but is still not strong enough to be asked about what happened."
Richard said.
"That do not mean something might not be wrong though of course, she is under guard so if there is a traitor at my old home that person might not have had a chance to strike, but I checked up on them and they where fine when I left."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:20 am


Anja's Post:

'A few days for you've got higher things on the "to do list", or it takes a few days to make?' giving the Hermetic a curious look.

Anja's Post:

Nicole nodded to this; giving an "anything else?" look.
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:27 am


A few days for you've got higher things on the "to do list", or it takes a few days to make?' giving the Hermetic a curious look.

"The potion takes a few days to refine and make, I do not have to work dedicated on it for a few days allot of time are spent just waiting for refinement processes to finish but yes they take a new days to make."
Darrian replied.

Nicole nodded to this; giving an "anything else?" look.

"Nothing further Miss Bouchard, thank you for your time, I should get back to try to mix something that will help Miss Rozzo."
The alchemist said.
"Good day Miss Bouchard and good luck on your mission."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Warpmind Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:53 pm

[Chief's Office]
Anja wrote:"This Miss Swan is her girlfriend? No I do not think attacking Lady Crexia's loved ones are a good idea."
Jeffry said and he raised an eyebrow.
Colin nodded, "Something like that, yes... And is ever attacking the loved ones of a Mage a good idea?"

S7trif3 wrote:"We did?" he said at first, in surprise then fell quiet listening to the exchange.
Anja wrote:"Yes Mr Terach managed to catch it before Dahl's patrons caught it and he and Miss Gottschalk managed to hold it until Lady Crexia got here so it could be interrogated mea filius."
Your Mentor explained.
"Commendable effort by them both."
He nodded, "Mr. Terach's reflexes were quite excellent. Good thing, too..."

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:11 pm

[Chief's Office]

Colin nodded, "Something like that, yes... And is ever attacking the loved ones of a Mage a good idea?"

"No it certainly is not not."
Jeffry said and he glanced at Adley fondly for a moment.

He nodded, "Mr. Terach's reflexes were quite excellent. Good thing, too..."

"Indeed so we might get some good intel thanks to the man's actions."
The Chief agreed with a nod.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:51 pm


Anja's Post:

'So... it's like painting a wall or something - lots of simply waiting around for it to dry? Even more reason to have a stock of 'em; unlikely to have several days warning that we'll need 'em...'

Anja's Post:

Nicole nodded to this. 'Oh, and thanks.' gesturing to the vial.
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:18 pm


'So... it's like painting a wall or something - lots of simply waiting around for it to dry? Even more reason to have a stock of 'em; unlikely to have several days warning that we'll need 'em...'

"Yes that is pretty much it, I have to start chemical processes and wait for them to finish and start new ones. I will get a small storage of the potion mage and put in our weapons storage."
Darrian agreed.

Nicole nodded to this. 'Oh, and thanks.' gesturing to the vial.

"Not a problem, we all do our part, and I am not skilled in battle Miss Bouchard but I can help from the sidelines."
The alchemis said with a nod before he waited to see if you had anything else to say before he checked on Bianca and went back to what he was mixing at the little bench in the back.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Tue Jul 02, 2019 4:47 pm


Anja wrote:A few moments later you, Nicole, Adley and Serge got a text message from Jon containing three apps for installing. Vera would clearly get spooked by the sound of the phone when it rang the message sound for Serge.

"Relax, just a text." he thought quickly, pulling out his phone and looking at the apps Jon had sent him.

Anja wrote:It was extremely difficult to get through, getting her to sleep earlier had been easier as it was during the day and she had wanted to sleep but getting her mind of her intense pain enough for her to ignore it was extremely hard and it did not seam to work for the vampire continued to whimper and make sore little sounds, she looked at the drawing though. Getting her mind of things a little bit was not to hard and it did seam to help a little, but enough for her to ignore the extreme stimuli she was feeling that was allot harder. You did manage to calm her down a little at least.

"I did what I could..." Serge thought. "I'll get see if one of our doctors can do a bit more. Hopefully there not too busy."

He pulled out his phone and typed a text message to Richard, "Hey, u free?"

Anja wrote:"How long will that be?"
Vera thought.
"I...can't take really hurts...I did not know it was this hurts please...let me go."
She continued and she whimpered again.

"Hard to say. Perhaps a day or two. But it depends on how fast we can take down the one behind the plague. And that's something you can help us with." he thought back, after he had sent the text and lowered Vera's pain as best he could.

Colin wrote:He sighed and stepped inside the room, glancing at what Serge was doing, at the little picture he'd drawn, then crouched down next to Vera's head, "Son... could you tell her that I am terribly sorry that we had no other options than this, but that she's presently in the safest possible place? The Technocracy, it seems, has captured her father, and I very much doubt he'll last long in their hands. With us, Miss Milliner will be released, and I will do what I can to let her and Alexis have an extra bit of protection from the fallout of her father's actions..."
Anja wrote:Vera's eye went from the drawing to try to focus on the new person around her, she thought to Serge though.
"Please tell your friend I am not deaf I can hear him. What are the Technocracy...they have my father what do he mean? How can this be safe? What have been done with Alexis and my cat? Please just let me hurts...just let us go!"
She thought desperately and she whimpered softly again.

Serge looked a little surprised at Colins sudden appearance, having all of his concentration focused on Vera. When the shock had worn off he chuckled and said out loud, "Vera would like for you to know that she's not deaf. You can talk to her normally. Though I'm the only one that can hear her response. I can let you in if you'd like."

He then went silent, going back to answering Vera's questions. "Technocracy are a cruel group focused on the elimination of all supernatural beings. That includes mages, vampires, ghosts, and anything else you can think of that doesn't follow their rules on 'normal'. Due to the plague they've had a focus on members of the giovanni family. They were in your apartment today and if we hadn't intervened they would've taken you and your roommates."

He glanced over at Alexis but still thought his answer to Vera. "And Alexis is literally like, 7 feet from you. She's unharmed and was reading a magazine to pass the time not to long ago. Your cat is unharmed as well and I think is still asleep in another room."

All of a sudden he spoke aloud. "Hey Alexis! Say something to your master. She's worried about you. If you want I can extend the telepathy to you so you can hear her response."
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 24 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Warpmind Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:07 pm

Jeremy wrote:Serge looked a little surprised at Colins sudden appearance, having all of his concentration focused on Vera. When the shock had worn off he chuckled and said out loud, "Vera would like for you to know that she's not deaf. You can talk to her normally. Though I'm the only one that can hear her response. I can let you in if you'd like."
Colin smiled thinly, "That would probably be more convenient, yes."
He looked down on Vera again, "I don't know how much my young friend here has told you, but we needed to find your father, and you were the only link we had to him, whose location we knew. So we managed to retrieve you, your roommate, and your cat, just before a less sympathetic group did. The people your father worked with, in particular a disturbingly good-looking fellow named Eric Dahl, had convinced Mr. Milliner to help distribute an artificial plague, using Fio Giovanni to do the dirty work. We are in the process of tearing that whole plot to pieces, though, and with it the people responsible. And we will do what we can to ensure the fallout of your father's betrayal against the Masquerade will not be held against the rest of his lineage, though the Prince may require some... additional reassurances of loyalty. I hope we can resolve everything tonight, and release you all safely at the earliest convenience. And again... I am sorry for this necessary cruelty..."

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