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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sat Jun 29, 2019 8:08 pm

[Common Room]

Anja wrote:"I agree everyone should be able to afford art, and nothing should cost anything and everything should be perfect, but things are not perfect and I can not see how one can change that, things cost money and there is a system, not to mention that something like a movie are not made by one person, there are so ma ny things you need to come together, you just can not do that without money, everyone need to be compensated to live, and yes that do mean that things are often made with the focus on money but the only way around it are if someone with so much money they could cover all the costs of a movie with no interest of seeing a return paid for it."
Jon said.
"Or a whole new system where found where there where unlimited resources so everyone could get whatever they wanted and needed at any time without paying for it."

Serge just sighed and said, "And that's why this world sucks doesn't it. People get so addicted to money that's all they focus on. Well....just be glad that this world doesn't follow my strange opinions."


Anja wrote:"No apperantly this dude found some way to make a new toothpaste which are gentler on your teeth but better at getting them clean or something."
Alexis said then she looked at the picture you showed her and she shook her head.
"No I have never seen that building before."
She replied.

"That's all right. What's inside the building is a bit more important." Serge replied. "It's the building where your Master's.....master? Err....Francis Milliner keeps a small child in less than desirable circumstances. He posts ghoul guards around the apartment in order to stop people rescuing that child. I know it's a bit presumptuous to assume that all ghouls know each other, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Do you have any idea who Francis Milliner's ghouls are and which of them he would assign as guards? I don't care about names, just faces."

As he spoke he made sure to keep a close eye on Alexis, looking at how she reacted and responded to the questions. Despite her friendly attitude, she still could be lying in order to protect her master.
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sat Jun 29, 2019 8:37 pm

[Chief's Office]

Colin frowned, listening to the exchanges, "I'm no expert on ghosts, by any means, but I do have a spell or two that may come in handy - I can scramble magical loyalty bonds for a period of time, such as that between a ghoul and their vampire; I see no reason why that would not be able to affect a controlled ghost in a similar manner. As for inspecting the ward without tripping it, I think I can get a good look at it a few days ago - that way, even if it's tripped, the Giovanni will be less likely to be quite as alert today. Assuming that the alarm system is magical, rather than mundane. As for taking two cars - safety in numbers is a thing, but this job ideally calls more for guile than force, so we will want to keep a low profile. I don't suppose we could pull off a clown car trick with the Subaru?"

"Well perhaps scrambling such a bond will work on a spiritual contract it is possible."
Jeffry said then he shook his head.
"That is not how it work I'm afraid, when you look backwards in time, you are still affecting things in the present all you do is look at the past, actually reaching back and affecting something in the past is extremely difficult Mr Wainwright so any triggering of the ward as you look at it in the past will happen in the present or it will not happen at all as all you can do is look not affect anything. As for a clown car trick that is certainly possible but also quite vulgar."
The old Hermetic explained.

[Common Room]

He sighed, "Does anyone?"

"Archmages...Gods...really powerful fay lords...there is allot of powerful shit out there who probably could fight those beings, but I do not know any of those to ask for a favor."
Ruin muttered.

He wrote down the names, frowning, "Thank you... This confirms a few things, at least. I'm guessing the Sleeper contacts he had in banks are not going to be much of an issue, as such, since Eric's demise was... unscheduled. He doesn't strike me as the type to necessarily have a dozen plans in place in case of his sudden disappearance..."

"If my Master did have plans in play mage I would not reveal them to you."
The kaka bird declared.

He nodded, "I can't guarantee sunflower seeds, but I do know I have pumpkin seeds and a few others - for baking, you know - and some nuts and fruits. I'll bring some by next time I'm in."

"Thank you, that will do nicely."
Ruin replied.

He sighed softly, "Alright, thank you... I've got to go and rescue someone, and make someone else's night a fair bit worse as a consequence. I'm not expecting any favours from you, but... the kid we're rescuing is well and truly within the realm of the Ten of Swords right now. Been there for a while. It's time we draw him a new card..."

"Good luck with that I hope you ruin someone's day good. As for this kid it is not much I can do about that I am locked in a cuppboard after all."
She replied.
"But yeah go on your rescue mission it is what you Traddies do is it not."

[Common Room]

Serge just sighed and said, "And that's why this world sucks doesn't it. People get so addicted to money that's all they focus on. Well....just be glad that this world doesn't follow my strange opinions."

"Some do yes, but most of us are just addicted to staying alive and for that we need food, shelter and other such things that cost money."
Jon said and shrugged.
"Yeah that would be pretty much Marauderville."
The Virtual Adept commented with a grin.


"That's all right. What's inside the building is a bit more important." Serge replied. "It's the building where your Master's.....master? Err....Francis Milliner keeps a small child in less than desirable circumstances. He posts ghoul guards around the apartment in order to stop people rescuing that child. I know it's a bit presumptuous to assume that all ghouls know each other, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Do you have any idea who Francis Milliner's ghouls are and which of them he would assign as guards? I don't care about names, just faces."

As he spoke he made sure to keep a close eye on Alexis, looking at how she reacted and responded to the questions. Despite her friendly attitude, she still could be lying in order to protect her master.

Alexis looked confused for a moment then she seamed to get what you where talking about.
" have been misinformed it is not Francis Milliner who have the thin blooded kid it is the Giovanni boss in the city. I do not really know his ghouls no nor have I ever seen this kid but I know he is not a small child he is a teenager. I know my Mistress have visited him a few times but I have not I do not know what the Giovanni Boss's ghouls look like for the most part, I have only me a few of them."
The prisoner said and she seamed to be telling you the truth.

(OOC: That seams like allot of work.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:07 pm

[Common Room]

Anja wrote:"Some do yes, but most of us are just addicted to staying alive and for that we need food, shelter and other such things that cost money."
Jon said and shrugged.
"Yeah that would be pretty much Marauderville."
The Virtual Adept commented with a grin.

"I wouldn't say that. I think it would be awesome." Serge said with a smirk.


Anja wrote:Alexis looked confused for a moment then she seamed to get what you where talking about.
" have been misinformed it is not Francis Milliner who have the thin blooded kid it is the Giovanni boss in the city. I do not really know his ghouls no nor have I ever seen this kid but I know he is not a small child he is a teenager. I know my Mistress have visited him a few times but I have not I do not know what the Giovanni Boss's ghouls look like for the most part, I have only met a few of them."
The prisoner said and she seamed to be telling you the truth.

He was glad that Alexis had corrected his misinformation because if she had wanted to deceive him, she wouldn't have bothered to correct him.

"You've met some of them? Then you must know something about their looks. Try to remember what they look like. Mention anything that pops up." Serge said pulling out a small notepad and a pencil from his pocket.
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:56 pm


Anja's Post:

'He is? Why don't he just text or something?' Nicole replied, giving a frown. 'Anyway, I heard Terach was here and need to ask a favour...'

[Chief's Office]

Colin's Post:

'All we need to do is simply flash the badge and tell any rubberneckers to get back into their apartment. Chances are the neighbours know something ain't on the level with the target apartment anyway, so it won't be hardly a surprise.'

[Sounds fun. I spent my day doing a full inventory and moving of stores in a warehouse. By hand. Minus air-con. In a heatwave. Damn place was 41 degrees...]

[Serge needs to have that conversation with Nicole... *tongue*]
Nicole Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jun 30, 2019 5:12 am

[Common Room]

"I wouldn't say that. I think it would be awesome." Serge said with a smirk.

"Yes most Marauders would think a world based in their beliefs would be awesome."
Jon replied with a bit of a grin.


He was glad that Alexis had corrected his misinformation because if she had wanted to deceive him, she wouldn't have bothered to correct him.

"You've met some of them? Then you must know something about their looks. Try to remember what they look like. Mention anything that pops up." Serge said pulling out a small notepad and a pencil from his pocket.

"I have met Fio Giovanni who I hear is in your custody so there is little point in me describing him, the only other ghoul I know belong to the Giovanni boss are Nico Giovanni, he is a plump Italian man with brown eyes, a large nose and short dark brown hair and I think a woman named Cathy I do not know her last name belong to him as well she is small and cute with curly brown hair, very elegant, large brown eyes and pale skin."
Alexis said and shrugged.


'He is? Why don't he just text or something?' Nicole replied, giving a frown. 'Anyway, I heard Terach was here and need to ask a favour...'

"I believe the reason is that the good Master is eighty or so, and so using his phone is the last solution he thinks of."
Narim said as he opened the door wider.
"He is right here please come right in Miss Bouchard."
The Virtual Adept said and Adjan turned to look at you.
"What can I do for you Miss Bouchard?"
He asked.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sun Jun 30, 2019 7:13 am


Anja wrote:"I have met Fio Giovanni who I hear is in your custody so there is little point in me describing him, the only other ghoul I know belong to the Giovanni boss are Nico Giovanni, he is a plump Italian man with brown eyes, a large nose and short dark brown hair and I think a woman named Cathy I do not know her last name belong to him as well she is small and cute with curly brown hair, very elegant, large brown eyes and pale skin."
Alexis said and shrugged.

Serge stayed eerily silent and listened to attentively to Alexis's description. He drew each ghoul in his mind first before expertly translating what he saw in his mind onto paper. He didn't have many details to work with but that didn't stop him. He had drawn many faces before and once Alexis had seen similar faces she was likely to remember more details.

Once he was done he turned the notepad around and showed Alexis. "How's this? Look anything like them?"

(OOC: Let me know if you want an art roll for the drawings)
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:41 am


Alexis looked at the two drawings and nodded.
"Yeah that is about right, you are an pretty good artist kid."
She said then she fell silent as there was a low, strange whimper from Vera's crate, the vampire had woken up it seamed.
"Vera...listen to me I am out here, do not panic I do not think they will harm us...I know it hurts but try to remain calm."
Alexis said with a worried frown on her face as another strained sound came from the crate.
"Do not try to talk, you will only make it worse just try to calm down. I am here...and once we are let go, we will find a new place a live, perhaps a house this time so Frufru can play in the garden, that would be nice right?"
The ghoul muttered clearly trying to keep Vera's mind of how much pain she was in and how scared she was.
"Everything will be fine Vera...everything will be just fine."

(OOC: No I do not think a roll will be necessary Serge have the time to do them and correct mistakes so it should be fine.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:32 am


Anja wrote:Alexis looked at the two drawings and nodded.
"Yeah that is about right, you are an pretty good artist kid."
She said then she fell silent as there was a low, strange whimper from Vera's crate, the vampire had woken up it seamed.
"Vera...listen to me I am out here, do not panic I do not think they will harm us...I know it hurts but try to remain calm."
Alexis said with a worried frown on her face as another strained sound came from the crate.
"Do not try to talk, you will only make it worse just try to calm down. I am here...and once we are let go, we will find a new place a live, perhaps a house this time so Frufru can play in the garden, that would be nice right?"
The ghoul muttered clearly trying to keep Vera's mind of how much pain she was in and how scared she was.
"Everything will be fine Vera...everything will be just fine."

"With dark colored paintings on all your walls." Serge mused as he watched the servant attempting to comfort her master, his heart aching at the sight. "At least that's my recommendation. Darker colors will absorb light so it'll make it tougher for light to reflect around the new house. Although I suppose you guys would have a basement...."

He sent the pictures he drew to Jon as well as a quick message, "Here's a sketch of two potential ghouls. Can you check the past deli footage to see if anyone looking like those two went into the building?"

Once he sent the text he glanced over at Vera's crate to see if the top was still on it.
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:47 am


"Really dark colors will prevent reflection of light around the room?"
Alexis asked.
"Yes we will have a basement but better safe than will be a really nice home."
She said more for Vera's sake than for you.

You got a reply back from Jon.
"Yes this woman Cathy have been at the delli but we do not know if she is the current guard. She was there a few days ago.

The lid was of the crate but Vera had been left in it still wrapped up in her covers, she was on her side in the crate, she had been curled up a bit she would hear you where there and she whimpered again.
"Please don't hurt her..."
Alexis said nervously.
"Should I let someone know our guest have woken up Sir?"
Arn asked.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jun 30, 2019 10:38 am


Adley you are just about to start working on your personal shield when you hear your phone ring, looking at the caller id you can see it is Richard finally calling you back.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sun Jun 30, 2019 4:41 pm


Anja wrote:"Really dark colors will prevent reflection of light around the room?"
Alexis asked.
"Yes we will have a basement but better safe than will be a really nice home."
She said more for Vera's sake than for you.

"Dark colors absorb light. Lighter colors reflect it. That's why sunlight on snow is blinding. I'm pretty sure for a vampire, the former is much more preferable." Serge said with a nod, remembering the light being reflected from the living room all the way to Vera's safe room. "Ideally, you'd just want to paint your rooms a dark color. But just hanging dark emo paintings might be easier."

Anja wrote:You got a reply back from Jon.
"Yes this woman Cathy have been at the delli but we do not know if she is the current guard. She was there a few days ago.

"At least it's a start. Btw did you also check if Fio giovanni frequented that deli?" Serge texted back, knowing what the answer was but deciding to ask anyways.

Anja wrote:The lid was of the crate but Vera had been left in it still wrapped up in her covers, she was on her side in the crate, she had been curled up a bit she would hear you where there and she whimpered again.
"Please don't hurt her..."
Alexis said nervously.
"Should I let someone know our guest have woken up Sir?"
Arn asked.

"Yes, that would quite helpful. Thank you." Serge said to Arn.
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jun 30, 2019 6:03 pm


"I did not know that, Vera likes white though she is not very Goth."
The Ghoul said.
"But I will recomed darker colors but I do not think she will go for it."

You got a reply back from Jon.
"He did not probably went for more fancy food."

Arne noddet and sent a message to several including Colin and Nicole. It said.
"Vera Milliner are awake."

( Occ just a quick reply between MtG games.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Sun Jun 30, 2019 6:11 pm

[Narim's Apartment]

Anja's Post:

'True enough...' Nicole muttered, pulling out her phone to see if she had his number. 'You know where he is?' entering the room.

Anja's Post:

'Have you got a silencer for a 9mm that I can borrow?' Nicole said, giving Adjan a nod.

[Continuity question: who unstaked Vera?]
Nicole Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Warpmind Sun Jun 30, 2019 7:37 pm

[Chief's Office]
Anja wrote:"Well perhaps scrambling such a bond will work on a spiritual contract it is possible."
Jeffry said then he shook his head.
"That is not how it work I'm afraid, when you look backwards in time, you are still affecting things in the present all you do is look at the past, actually reaching back and affecting something in the past is extremely difficult Mr Wainwright so any triggering of the ward as you look at it in the past will happen in the present or it will not happen at all as all you can do is look not affect anything. As for a clown car trick that is certainly possible but also quite vulgar."
The old Hermetic explained.
Nicole wrote:'All we need to do is simply flash the badge and tell any rubberneckers to get back into their apartment. Chances are the neighbours know something ain't on the level with the target apartment anyway, so it won't be hardly a surprise.'
Colin nodded, "Well, I suppose it's worth a shot while we're far off, then, rather than risking it when we're on top of the place... I'd rather chance a look at any wards at a distance of space and time than up close and personal if they're the extremely sensitive sort..."

[Common Room]
Anja wrote:"Archmages...Gods...really powerful fay lords...there is allot of powerful shit out there who probably could fight those beings, but I do not know any of those to ask for a favor."
Ruin muttered.
He pondered, "I might know a couple of individuals, then... Not, unfortunately, that I could realistically expect them to intercede on Eric's behalf..."

Anja wrote:"If my Master did have plans in play mage I would not reveal them to you."
The kaka bird declared.
He smiled wryly, "I did not expect you would."

Anja wrote:"Good luck with that I hope you ruin someone's day good. As for this kid it is not much I can do about that I am locked in a cuppboard after all."
She replied.
"But yeah go on your rescue mission it is what you Traddies do is it not."
He frowned, "It's one of the things we do... we also perform quite complicated assaults on Labyrinths, and when necessary, perform what could only be described as assassinations..."

Anja wrote:Arne noddet and sent a message to several including Colin and Nicole. It said.
"Vera Milliner are awake."
He frowned at the message and rushed back into the common room to look for Jon.

((OOC: Never quite had over 40 degrees in the printroom, but that's mostly because the hardware starts croaking at 35. Razz We do have a bit of air replacement, but the thermostat is not doing its job - temperature's been a consistent 22-24 Celsius for the past few months, while the thermostat controller's been set to 5... so a small discrepancy. Razz Also yes, a pretty big job, but potentially extremely lucrative.))

((OOC2: Nobody's unstaked Vera. That's the horror of getting staked, vampires still wake up at night, they're just nearly completely paralyzed, essentially limited to moving their eyes, if that while awake...))

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sun Jun 30, 2019 7:56 pm


Anja wrote:"I did not know that, Vera likes white though she is not very Goth."
The Ghoul said.
"But I will recomed darker colors but I do not think she will go for it."

"Duct taping the windows in the basement is fine as well." Serge said with a smirk.

Anja wrote:You got a reply back from Jon.
"He did not probably went for more fancy food."

"Vera's awake. I might ask her some questions. Apparently she's been over to see the oracle so getting her insight would be nice."

Anja wrote:Arne noddet and sent a message to several including Colin and Nicole. It said.
"Vera Milliner are awake."

Serge glanced over at Vera's crate and sighed. "Her mouth is paralyzed as well, so she can't speak right? Man that's just dumb...." he said seeming frustrated.

"Well, it's kinda mean to just let her lay down and stare at the ceiling. She probably doesn't hate me as much." he said walking over to Vera's crate.

He glanced over to look at Vera, a soft look on his face. He hoped that she still remembered him and how he had saved her skin from getting singed back at the apartment.
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Adley Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:23 pm

[Chief's Office]

"It is hard to say which option would require the most finessa without first observing the ward myself, both would be pretty tricky."
Jeffry said with a frown.

"Guess I'll see what my gut says when we get there."

"Then you should be able to work with ghosts, and perhaps the magic used to bind them. Just remember that ghosts are as flawed as any human being, where natural spirits are more...pure in their motivations, this can make ghosts harder or easier to work with depending on how you look at it."
Your Mentor replied.

"Humans are complicated. Even dead. Look at that bastard Nephandi and what he's up to," he scowled.

Colin frowned, listening to the exchanges, "I'm no expert on ghosts, by any means, but I do have a spell or two that may come in handy - I can scramble magical loyalty bonds for a period of time, such as that between a ghoul and their vampire; I see no reason why that would not be able to affect a controlled ghost in a similar manner. As for inspecting the ward without tripping it, I think I can get a good look at it a few days ago - that way, even if it's tripped, the Giovanni will be less likely to be quite as alert today. Assuming that the alarm system is magical, rather than mundane. As for taking two cars - safety in numbers is a thing, but this job ideally calls more for guile than force, so we will want to keep a low profile. I don't suppose we could pull off a clown car trick with the Subaru?"

"A good look at it a few days ago?" he raised an eyebrow. "Is that gonna mean paradox? We don't want any more tea parties anytime soon."

"Well perhaps scrambling such a bond will work on a spiritual contract it is possible."
Jeffry said then he shook his head.
"That is not how it work I'm afraid, when you look backwards in time, you are still affecting things in the present all you do is look at the past, actually reaching back and affecting something in the past is extremely difficult Mr Wainwright so any triggering of the ward as you look at it in the past will happen in the present or it will not happen at all as all you can do is look not affect anything. As for a clown car trick that is certainly possible but also quite vulgar."
The old Hermetic explained.

"Hm, I'd say AJ is a good person to ask but he's still recuperating. I believe his Traditionmate is busy, too but we can check if we decide we need another person. We'll have to do our best." He frowned.

He frowned and accepted the badges, looking at them, "I'm assuming we would have to play it off as a plain clothes operation, then? Because I don't think I could pull off masquerading in uniform... Hum, these look pretty damned convincing, though..."

"It will have to be, it's not like we have several uniforms tucked away."

'All we need to do is simply flash the badge and tell any rubberneckers to get back into their apartment. Chances are the neighbours know something ain't on the level with the target apartment anyway, so it won't be hardly a surprise.'

He nodded a bit.

Colin nodded, "Well, I suppose it's worth a shot while we're far off, then, rather than risking it when we're on top of the place... I'd rather chance a look at any wards at a distance of space and time than up close and personal if they're the extremely sensitive sort..."

"We could try at a distance, though spiritual distance is not really the same as physical distance. Mmm...did someone say Jon could work with spiritual ephemera?" he asked, squinting an eye as the details about him started to fade again. "If so, we could try to set up something to look at it form afar and if it goes off, perhaps loop back as my pater suggested. Or you, amicus, you can use correspondence ars and I'm able to work with you better, due to your way of doing things. Even if you do sometimes use ketchup," he said with a small smile.


Adley you are just about to start working on your personal shield when you hear your phone ring, looking at the caller id you can see it is Richard finally calling you back.

He tilted his head and then pulled his phone out to answer it. "It is I," he said.

// that sounds like hell, Warp & Nic. I also was doing inventory last night, but thankfully I didn't have to stay till two am, so hooray for that.


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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:48 pm

[Narim's Apartment]

True enough...' Nicole muttered, pulling out her phone to see if she had his number. 'You know where he is?' entering the room.

"He is in the infirmary helping out with the wounded."
Narim replied.

'Have you got a silencer for a 9mm that I can borrow?' Nicole said, giving Adjan a nod.

"Yes I do, I have promised to watch over Master Sharaya though, if you go to my room you can find it yourself though it is in my weapons cabinet by the door to the bedroom."
Adjan said and he rummaged through his pockets and found a small key that he tossed over to you along with his room key.

(OOC: No one unstaked her, she is awake and still staked all she can do is whimper.)

[Chief's Office]

Colin nodded, "Well, I suppose it's worth a shot while we're far off, then, rather than risking it when we're on top of the place... I'd rather chance a look at any wards at a distance of space and time than up close and personal if they're the extremely sensitive sort..."

"I am not sure that is wise Mr Wainwright, chances are that it will trigger the alarms and draw reinforcements to the apartment, at least if you trigger it when you are close then there is a chance you can get the boy and get out before the reinforcements get there."
Jeffry said sounding doubtful.

"Guess I'll see what my gut says when we get there."

Your Mentor nodded at that.

"Humans are complicated. Even dead. Look at that bastard Nephandi and what he's up to," he scowled.

"Yes very much so."
Jeffry replied.

"A good look at it a few days ago?" he raised an eyebrow. "Is that gonna mean paradox? We don't want any more tea parties anytime soon."

"Just looking should not be to bad, it would be like any other divination mea filius but anything beyond that is just about the most Paradox inducting a magus can do."
The old Hermetic commented darkly.

"Hm, I'd say AJ is a good person to ask but he's still recuperating. I believe his Traditionmate is busy, too but we can check if we decide we need another person. We'll have to do our best." He frowned.

"Very well you can ask them, the Euhanatoi might be able to help you with this."
Jeffry agreed.

"We could try at a distance, though spiritual distance is not really the same as physical distance. Mmm...did someone say Jon could work with spiritual ephemera?" he asked, squinting an eye as the details about him started to fade again. "If so, we could try to set up something to look at it form afar and if it goes off, perhaps loop back as my pater suggested. Or you, amicus, you can use correspondence ars and I'm able to work with you better, due to your way of doing things. Even if you do sometimes use ketchup," he said with a small smile.

"Yes Mr Sherman study Ars Spiritus."
Jeffry confirmed.
"I told you he was ranked but the Mercere lost the paperwork of it the first time."

[Common Room]

He pondered, "I might know a couple of individuals, then... Not, unfortunately, that I could realistically expect them to intercede on Eric's behalf..."

"Well if you can do that I would really like you to do that."
Ruin said.

He smiled wryly, "I did not expect you would."

The bird did not reply.

He frowned, "It's one of the things we do... we also perform quite complicated assaults on Labyrinths, and when necessary, perform what could only be described as assassinations..."

Was all the bird had to say to that.

He frowned at the message and rushed back into the common room to look for Jon.

You found Jon still sitting by a table and working with his phone.

(OOC: Sounds like a stressful job.)
(OOC 2: Yes they can move their eyes allot of the fiction have that as part of it, so are small sounds like whimpers and that is about it, but they are fully awake and in great pain.)


"Duct taping the windows in the basement is fine as well." Serge said with a smirk.

"Or try to find a house with a basement with no windows."
The ghoul said with a bit of a smile.

"Vera's awake. I might ask her some questions. Apparently she's been over to see the oracle so getting her insight would be nice."

You got a reply back from Jon.
"Ok do that but try not to scare her to much."

Serge glanced over at Vera's crate and sighed. "Her mouth is paralyzed as well, so she can't speak right? Man that's just dumb...." he said seeming frustrated.

"It would take tremendous effort some vampires have been able to utter a few words while staked but generally no she can move her eyes and perhaps make a few sounds."
Alexis said with a deep frown.

"Well, it's kinda mean to just let her lay down and stare at the ceiling. She probably doesn't hate me as much." he said walking over to Vera's crate.

He glanced over to look at Vera, a soft look on his face. He hoped that she still remembered him and how he had saved her skin from getting singed back at the apartment.

Vera could not move her head, lying on her side she could see you with one eye and that was about it, the vampire gave you a terrified look as you looked down at her and whimpered again.


He tilted his head and then pulled his phone out to answer it. "It is I," he said.

"You wanted me to call Adley, I have not had a chance before now, not with the injured after the explosion."
Richard said.
"I am back at Steelhaven now."

(OOC: I am sorry for my late reply I have been playing MtG all day. And now I have to go and try to get my stupid spooder down from the roof of her cage.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Warpmind Sun Jun 30, 2019 10:26 pm

[Chief's Office]
Anja wrote:"I am not sure that is wise Mr Wainwright, chances are that it will trigger the alarms and draw reinforcements to the apartment, at least if you trigger it when you are close then there is a chance you can get the boy and get out before the reinforcements get there."
Jeffry said sounding doubtful.
S7trif3 wrote:"We could try at a distance, though spiritual distance is not really the same as physical distance. Mmm...did someone say Jon could work with spiritual ephemera?" he asked, squinting an eye as the details about him started to fade again. "If so, we could try to set up something to look at it form afar and if it goes off, perhaps loop back as my pater suggested. Or you, amicus, you can use correspondence ars and I'm able to work with you better, due to your way of doing things. Even if you do sometimes use ketchup," he said with a small smile.
Anja wrote:"Yes Mr Sherman study Ars Spiritus."
Jeffry confirmed.
"I told you he was ranked but the Mercere lost the paperwork of it the first time."
S7trif3 wrote:"Guess I'll see what my gut says when we get there."
Anja wrote:Your Mentor nodded at that.
Colin nodded, "As you say, Sir. I'll defer to your greater experience - if it comes to that, I'll try a look at the ward across time when we get there."

S7trif3 wrote:"Humans are complicated. Even dead. Look at that bastard Nephandi and what he's up to," he scowled.
Anja wrote:"Yes very much so."
Jeffry replied.
He frowned, "Humans are complicated, but often quite predictable. We really should have realized he would have contingency plans in place..."

S7trif3 wrote:"A good look at it a few days ago?" he raised an eyebrow. "Is that gonna mean paradox? We don't want any more tea parties anytime soon."
Anja wrote:"Just looking should not be to bad, it would be like any other divination mea filius but anything beyond that is just about the most Paradox inducting a magus can do."
The old Hermetic commented darkly.
He smiled wryly, "Just looking is pretty much the extent of my reach for now - though with Dahl's unexpected departure from this world, we were pretty damned close to another... Still, the interrogation should be going on properly, securing the information we extricated from him in the other timeline."

S7trif3 wrote:"Hm, I'd say AJ is a good person to ask but he's still recuperating. I believe his Traditionmate is busy, too but we can check if we decide we need another person. We'll have to do our best." He frowned.
Anja wrote:"Very well you can ask them, the Euhanatoi might be able to help you with this."
Jeffry agreed.
He frowned, "Miss Mandis is... occupied, keeping Freddy sane and safe before... the plague is ended. I'm afraid I can't condone taking her away from that. If we need a specialist in spirits, we still have others we can ask."

S7trif3 wrote:"It will have to be, it's not like we have several uniforms tucked away."
He nodded.

[Common Room]
Anja wrote:"Well if you can do that I would really like you to do that."
Ruin said.
He sighed, "The problem is, those people I could think of are... not with my side. Somehow, I doubt the Jade Demon or an Aswadim would be quite willing to go along with such a request, even if it were legal for me to make it..."

Anja wrote:"Huh..."
Was all the bird had to say to that.
He shrugged, "We try, by and large, to do what is best for Creation. Sometimes, unfortunately, that means the equivalent of cutting out an infection or removing a parasite so the world can heal."

Anja wrote:You found Jon still sitting by a table and working with his phone.
He shook his head, neatly folding up the note he'd written the bird's statements on, "Alright, I'm done. About ready to head out, I think... So, just to clarify, did you find any electronic alarms on the apartment we're headed to, or does it appear any alarms are supernatural in nature?"

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Sun Jun 30, 2019 11:31 pm

[Narim's Room]

Anja's Post:

'I'll pop in there then.' ending with a nod.

Anja's Post:

'Thanks. Hopefully I won't need it, but you never know...' ending with a "you know how it is" shrug.

Unless anyone had anything else to say, Nicole will bid the pair farewell and head up to the Infirmary...

[Why doesn't the vampire simply partition the room, making the window part open up to nothing more than a glorified closet?]

[It was not pleasant - Boss' brain strikes again. Now they're bitching that the work we should have done on Sat wasn't. And it's not like the stores needed to be sorted or that we lacked things to do...]
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:28 am

[Chief's Office]

Colin nodded, "As you say, Sir. I'll defer to your greater experience - if it comes to that, I'll try a look at the ward across time when we get there."

"I believe that is wiser Mr Wainwright since we where told this is an alarm, and so likely the purpose of it is to alert back up if the apartment is compromised."
Jeffry agree.

He frowned, "Humans are complicated, but often quite predictable. We really should have realized he would have contingency plans in place..."

"Well that is both true, we underestimate Wallace Jace and we are now paying the price."
The Security Chief said darkly.
"And some of us pay it steeper than others."

He smiled wryly, "Just looking is pretty much the extent of my reach for now - though with Dahl's unexpected departure from this world, we were pretty damned close to another... Still, the interrogation should be going on properly, securing the information we extricated from him in the other timeline."

"At least we caught his spirit."
Jeffry said.
"I hope Lady Crexia manage to get something out of him."

He frowned, "Miss Mandis is... occupied, keeping Freddy sane and safe before... the plague is ended. I'm afraid I can't condone taking her away from that. If we need a specialist in spirits, we still have others we can ask."

"I agree Miss Mandis should attend to the needs of Miss Adlebloom this can not be easy for her Mr Wainwright, we do however have more Euthanatoi at the Chantry."
The old Flambeau agreed.

[Common Room]

He sighed, "The problem is, those people I could think of are... not with my side. Somehow, I doubt the Jade Demon or an Aswadim would be quite willing to go along with such a request, even if it were legal for me to make it..."

"You have spoken with such beings mage? Most interesting but no, it is not like I can do to them for help either so I wonder why you mentioned them."
Ruin asked.

He shrugged, "We try, by and large, to do what is best for Creation. Sometimes, unfortunately, that means the equivalent of cutting out an infection or removing a parasite so the world can heal."

"Hum...well...ok...don't care."
The kaka bird replied and you could hear her shrug and shake her feathers in the cupboard.

He shook his head, neatly folding up the note he'd written the bird's statements on, "Alright, I'm done. About ready to head out, I think... So, just to clarify, did you find any electronic alarms on the apartment we're headed to, or does it appear any alarms are supernatural in nature?"

"I am ready."
Jon said and he stood and put his phone away.
"That is correct I found no mundane alarms at all just the ward."
The Virtual Adept conformed.

[Narim's Room]

I'll pop in there then.' ending with a nod.

"Very well."
Narim said and he nodded.

Thanks. Hopefully I won't need it, but you never know...' ending with a "you know how it is" shrug.

"Indeed you never know when such a thing will come in handy but I hope you will not have to use it as well Miss Bouchard."
Adjan agreed with a nod.

Unless anyone had anything else to say, Nicole will bid the pair farewell and head up to the Infirmary...

Narim and Adjan said their goodbyes to you and you got up to the infirmary, Amadeus and Bianca was in the beds. Bianca was twisting and moaning in pain, while Amadeus sat in bet looking a bit pale and shaky getting a blood transfusion but he seamed to be recovering well and he was more concerned about Miss Rozzo's well being. Darrian was mixing something up by the bench in the back while Miss White was tending to Bianca. Richard had stepped out for a moment for a phone call.

(OOC: They can do that.)

(OOC: Stupid spooder I had to wrestle her down from the roof of her cage and then she flicked at me, now I have little welts like mosquito bites rising and they itch like hell. Well enjoy you bald butt my dear. Unfortunately she have plenty ammo left.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:31 am


Anja's Post:

Nicole looked around, giving Nassa a nod before heading towards Haagen. 'You wanted to see me?'
Nicole Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:28 am


"Ah yes two things really one of importance right now and one far less important."
The alchemist said and he stopped what he was doing, washed his hands and then walked over to you and he handed you a vial with a purple fluid.
"I have not tested this as it would seam cruel to do so to our prisoners in the basement and I have only had time to make one bottle, but this thrown into a room should act violently with vampire blood, remember it will kill the target as well so do not just throw it into the apartment but during the mission you are sent on or later until this situation are solved toss this hard enough to break it, the gass should make anyone with Massassa blood start to burn from within."
He said.
"A little bit of insurance."
The alchemist added.
"As for the second matter do you know what a..."
He pulled out his note book and glanced at a page of it.
"Hex socket screwdriver is and can you acquire one?"
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:13 am


Anja wrote:"It would take tremendous effort some vampires have been able to utter a few words while staked but generally no she can move her eyes and perhaps make a few sounds."
Alexis said with a deep frown.
Anja wrote:Vera could not move her head, lying on her side she could see you with one eye and that was about it, the vampire gave you a terrified look as you looked down at her and whimpered again.

"Don't worry. It's as Alexis said. We won't hurt you. Your cat and your servant are all unharmed. Soon enough you'll be free and home shopping in no time." he said in a comforting tone, turning his head slightly so he didn't appear to be looking down on Vera.

"You probably have millions of your own questions bubbling around in your head. Or maybe want to just reply to all the voices you hear around you. Unable to ask them because for some dumb reason stakes stop vampires from talking. I can....alleviate that problem." he began, turning to a new page in his notepad and doodling away, wanting to do something with his hands as he talked.

"Your body is paralyzed but your mind is still in tact. If you wish, I can use a spell that will allow us to communicate telepathically. I'll be able to hear your thoughts and you can hear mine as well. We can have a conversation and I can answer any of your questions that you may have." Serge continued to explain. "If that's something your ok with continue looking at me. If not, look away from me."
Jeremy Silverstein
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:28 am


Don't worry. It's as Alexis said. We won't hurt you. Your cat and your servant are all unharmed. Soon enough you'll be free and home shopping in no time." he said in a comforting tone, turning his head slightly so he didn't appear to be looking down on Vera.

Vera continued to give you a terrified look, clearly not believing you.

"You probably have millions of your own questions bubbling around in your head. Or maybe want to just reply to all the voices you hear around you. Unable to ask them because for some dumb reason stakes stop vampires from talking. I can....alleviate that problem." he began, turning to a new page in his notepad and doodling away, wanting to do something with his hands as he talked.

"Your body is paralyzed but your mind is still in tact. If you wish, I can use a spell that will allow us to communicate telepathically. I'll be able to hear your thoughts and you can hear mine as well. We can have a conversation and I can answer any of your questions that you may have." Serge continued to explain. "If that's something your ok with continue looking at me. If not, look away from me."

The wounded vampiress continued to look at you, the idea of telepathy did not seam to bother her or suprise her much so she just continued to look at you.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 23 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Warpmind Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:48 am

[Chief's Office]
Anja wrote:"I believe that is wiser Mr Wainwright since we where told this is an alarm, and so likely the purpose of it is to alert back up if the apartment is compromised."
Jeffry agree.
Colin nodded.

Anja wrote:"Well that is both true, we underestimate Wallace Jace and we are now paying the price."
The Security Chief said darkly.
"And some of us pay it steeper than others."
He frowned, "At least it looks as though we can avoid the highest cost for that special someone... A few drops of blood for tracking, I think she'll be able to endure that."

Anja wrote:"At least we caught his spirit."
Jeffry said.
"I hope Lady Crexia manage to get something out of him."
He smiled wryly, "I believe she got quite a bit of information out of him."

Anja wrote:"I agree Miss Mandis should attend to the needs of Miss Adlebloom this can not be easy for her Mr Wainwright, we do however have more Euthanatoi at the Chantry."
The old Flambeau agreed.
He nodded, "And I'm sure we have others besides the Euthanatoi who can do as well with a ghost or two..."

[Common Room]
Anja wrote:"You have spoken with such beings mage? Most interesting but no, it is not like I can do to them for help either so I wonder why you mentioned them."
Ruin asked.
He smiled wryly, "Strange circumstances, unlikely to be repeated."

Anja wrote:"I am ready."
Jon said and he stood and put his phone away.
"That is correct I found no mundane alarms at all just the ward."
The Virtual Adept conformed.
He pondered, flipping the folded note over in his hand, "In that case, mind sitting this one out, and and keeping an eye on things from here? We're more likely to need an exorcist or similar specialist, then, and we'll either need to get a second car, or swap out a teammate. Besides, Master Sharaya could probably use the extra help while he's restricted in his work..."

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