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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Fri Jul 05, 2019 5:17 pm


Anja wrote:"I guess it is, but I can not do necromancy very few in my family can."
Vera thought to you.

"Aww man. Really." Serge thought, sounding oddly disappointed.

Anja wrote:You got a reply back from Jon.

Serge sent another text, to Jon only this time. He sent a picture of the picture of Elina he had draw.

"By the way. Here is the guard on active duty today. Think you can scan near the deli to see if she was nearby it? Might be unnecessary but doesn't hurt to check."

Anja wrote:Vera's fears bloomed up again at your sharp movement and Alexis thought to you.
"Please move slowly, she is terrified."

"Sorry. Sorry." Serge thought hastily, staring at his own fingers as if they were a misbehaving puppy. "I have a million and one ways to sever that connection. Of course I choose the worst one."

Anja wrote:Vera managed to recover and she thought.
"I can not think of anything at the moment kid, it is just an apartment. As for the oracle he have been kept under horrible conditions so he will be wounded and starved not a good combination for a vampire, his visions are triggered by stress and he is treated quite cruelly, given a chance he will bolt and might even attack even if he is not hostile, he will not be able to help himself, he will be terrified of your group."

"So a bit of the usual then." Serge thought. "When you visited him before, was there anyone else there besides the guards?"
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Warpmind Fri Jul 05, 2019 6:07 pm

Anja wrote:"There are more than one...God?"
Vera asked and there was sadness over the mind link.
"I was never really religious before my father forc...I mean bestowed upon me this gift, I liked to think there was something more and that we somehow lived on, that perhaps I could see my grandparents again one day but I did not really believe in God, but then as I died...first it was peaceful and then I felt myself falling, rushing towards the ground and bellow and I saw a place of horror and I realized whatever life I now had that was it, afterwards would be nothing but torture."
The vampiress thought.
"And I realized there where a God and that it was far from fair and loving."
Colin nodded, 'There are many Gods, but the Celestines are the highest order, I believe - that's where you find the big ones, like the Biblical God, who is the bastard responsible here, and the likes of the Greek or Norse pantheons, for example. Well, as far as I understand it, anyway. Then there are probably countless minor deities, little more than unusually powerful spirits who embody a place or a kind of object or a concept, but they are gods, all the same... and they pretty much all lack the human perspective, which is why so many of them can seem cruel and capricious.'

Anja wrote:"Ah yes cuteness a all to potent weapon, just wait until you get kids Mage."
Alexis said with a grin.
"Or a mages actually have children? Ehm never mind it is a rude question anyway, but yeah cute things know how to get maximum use out of that."
He grinned, 'Oh, my daughter is only a little better... and yes, we're still human, only with a little more ability, so we can have children of our own. Many elect not to, as a matter of convenience, and take in apprentices as their own children instead.'

[Colin's Apartment]
Nicole wrote:'Mattapan. And the Kinfolk have disappeared. And why did Kinfolk become so important today?' ending with an arched eyebrow.
He frowned, "We know Dahl had... plants, compromised individuals, that sort of thing, in both the Traditions and the Union. Odds are one of those informants passed word to him, and he passed it on to Jace. But it is also quite plausible Jace knew of the immunities of ratkin already, and decided to spring this just as his plague was beginning to pick up speed."
He paused for a moment, then put the sandwich on a plate and found a small bowl into which he scooped out the tuna, and put it all on a small tray, "It is a complication, though, and we'll have to be on the lookout for trouble. So, would you rather go over this with the Chief and see what can be done on the investigative and strategic side of this, or take the risk of playing chauffeur and bait for another mission?"

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Fri Jul 05, 2019 6:20 pm


"Aww man. Really." Serge thought, sounding oddly disappointed.

"It is not in my family's blood."
Vera thought.

Serge sent another text, to Jon only this time. He sent a picture of the picture of Elina he had draw.

"By the way. Here is the guard on active duty today. Think you can scan near the deli to see if she was nearby it? Might be unnecessary but doesn't hurt to check."

You got a reply back with.
"Sure...I checked a woman looking like that have been near the delli several times."

"Sorry. Sorry." Serge thought hastily, staring at his own fingers as if they were a misbehaving puppy. "I have a million and one ways to sever that connection. Of course I choose the worst one."

" is ok kid...I am just jumpy."
Vera thought to you.

So a bit of the usual then." Serge thought. "When you visited him before, was there anyone else there besides the guards?"

"The usual I don't understand."
Vera thought and she felt confused by your statement.
"No there was no one else there save the guard when I was there, it was me and a Giovanni driver who brought me there, the guard and the kid."

Colin nodded, 'There are many Gods, but the Celestines are the highest order, I believe - that's where you find the big ones, like the Biblical God, who is the bastard responsible here, and the likes of the Greek or Norse pantheons, for example. Well, as far as I understand it, anyway. Then there are probably countless minor deities, little more than unusually powerful spirits who embody a place or a kind of object or a concept, but they are gods, all the same... and they pretty much all lack the human perspective, which is why so many of them can seem cruel and capricious.'

"I never imagined...there was so many Gods...have you ever met one?"
Vera thought feeling impressed.
"I guess that if you have no human perspective and are that powerful then it is a bit like humans seeing an ant, and that is pretty scary really."
She added.

He grinned, 'Oh, my daughter is only a little better... and yes, we're still human, only with a little more ability, so we can have children of our own. Many elect not to, as a matter of convenience, and take in apprentices as their own children instead.'

"Hum...that makes sense I guess. So you have a daughter then, that is nice."
Alexis said and she sigh.
"Those that consume vampire blood like me, we usually will not get pregnant, and there are rumors that if we do, the offspring will not be fully human. Well it is what it is."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:01 pm

[Colin's Apartment]

Colin's Post:

A short silence, a slight puzzled look growing on her face. 'Okay... but why would he do this?'

Colin's Post:

'I don't know. This smells more of the Union than Fallen or Giovanni.'
Nicole Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:05 pm


Anja wrote:You got a reply back with.
"Sure...I checked a woman looking like that have been near the delli several times."

"Cool. Btw, remember that other ghoul I showed you last time. Cathy? Has she ever been near that deli sometime after this women? And perhaps this women left soon after Cathy arrived? I ask because these ghouls work in shifts. Knowing who's next in the shift could be helpful." Serge texted back.

Anja wrote:"The usual I don't understand."
Vera thought and she felt confused by your statement.
"No there was no one else there save the guard when I was there, it was me and a Giovanni driver who brought me there, the guard and the kid."

"We've saved many people before. And they always seem to be in a condition like the on you described. Granted, they wouldn't need rescuing if they weren't kept in a condition like this. Still heartbreaking nonetheless." Serge thought sadly.

"I suppose I should head up now. Shouldn't keep my friends waiting. Thank you for all your help. That doctor will come back soon with someone who'll hopefully be able to provide a more permanent solution to your pain. Be ready for that. I'll sever the telepathic connection between me and you guys. You Alexis should still be able to talk for a bit but it won't last long if I'm not here." he thought.
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:08 pm


Cool. Btw, remember that other ghoul I showed you last time. Cathy? Has she ever been near that deli sometime after this women? And perhaps this women left soon after Cathy arrived? I ask because these ghouls work in shifts. Knowing who's next in the shift could be helpful." Serge texted back.

"No this person have not been to the delli at all for at least two weeks."
Was the reply Jon sent back.

"We've saved many people before. And they always seem to be in a condition like the on you described. Granted, they wouldn't need rescuing if they weren't kept in a condition like this. Still heartbreaking nonetheless." Serge thought sadly.

"There is allot of shitty people out there who hurt others."
Alexis said and she sigh.

"I suppose I should head up now. Shouldn't keep my friends waiting. Thank you for all your help. That doctor will come back soon with someone who'll hopefully be able to provide a more permanent solution to your pain. Be ready for that. I'll sever the telepathic connection between me and you guys. You Alexis should still be able to talk for a bit but it won't last long if I'm not here." he thought.

"Thank you."
Vera thought.
"Ehm...before you where the guy who sent me to sleep where you not? do that again? I would rather be asleep than awake while...I am in this condition."
The vampire asked hesitantly and she looked at you nervously.
"I would not ask you for a favor it is just that this...condition really...really sucks."
Alexis looks at you.
"I would appreciate it if you could help her..."
The ghoul said.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Warpmind Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:35 pm

Anja wrote:"I never imagined...there was so many Gods...have you ever met one?"
Vera thought feeling impressed.
"I guess that if you have no human perspective and are that powerful then it is a bit like humans seeing an ant, and that is pretty scary really."
She added.
Colin paused, thinking back to the sensation of standing next to Irik, and speaking with Wrinkle, the sense of carefully restrained power crackling from their mere presence, 'I've... spoken with beings that can certainly considered Gods, in terms of their power, but they're not Celestines. And not all Gods are completely bereft of human perspective; some are ascended mortals themselves, or have dealt enough with us to appreciate the brief flickers our lifespans amount to in the scope of eternity... but yes, despite them being quite pleasant and polite at the time, it was a lot like being an ant next to a human.'

Anja wrote:"Hum...that makes sense I guess. So you have a daughter then, that is nice."
Alexis said and she sigh.
"Those that consume vampire blood like me, we usually will not get pregnant, and there are rumors that if we do, the offspring will not be fully human. Well it is what it is."
He nodded, "Hum, I wonder if that side effect persists after weaning yourself of... hum, well, I'm rather wondering on behalf of a friend. I can understand the difficulty, though; vampire blood is an extremely potent force of stagnation, so the normal biological processes would be impeded..."

[Colin's Apartment]
Nicole wrote:A short silence, a slight puzzled look growing on her face. 'Okay... but why would he do this?'
He pondered, then his expression darkened, "Well, son of a... The bastard is making himself a new body. He's got a vampire fleshcrafter in his pocket, presumably to help him. He's pulling out all the stops to make his next body as resilient and durable as possible before he inhabits it... Why bother with complicated vaccines and cures for himself, if he can make his own body inherently immune to everything he could cook up before it can become an issue?"

Nicole wrote:'I don't know. This smells more of the Union than Fallen or Giovanni.'
He nodded, "Remember, Jace and Dahl were both Fallen Union men. It stands to reason they would fall back on old methods and catspaws, even if they don't have all the sway they used to within the Union itself... So it would make some sense that it smells of the Union. I'm not suggesting the Technocracy is blameless here, it's just my gut feeling saying Jace is the more likely culprit."

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:19 am

[Colin's Apartment]

Colin's Post:

A silence as Nicole frowned, clearly thinking things through. Finally she answered. 'Let's say I accept "ghost trying to steal a body" as right-' tone making it clear she doubted this. '-just for the purpose of this argument. If they already knew about Kinfolk immunity, why ain't they already swiped a suitable body? Actually, that's a good question... why didn't ghosty simply go and find a coma patient or a Fox News viewer and steal the body?'

Colin's Post:

'Or the Union has learned - either from checking their experts or from a spy at Riverside - that us Kinfolk are immune to this plague. And they're working flat-out to make as much vaccine to save their own skins, which requires samples.'
Nicole Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sat Jul 06, 2019 5:05 am


Anja wrote:"No this person have not been to the delli at all for at least two weeks."
Was the reply Jon sent back.

"Well it was worth a shot." Serge sent back.

Anja wrote:"There is allot of shitty people out there who hurt others."
Alexis said and she sigh.

"Yeah. But for every shitty person, there's a heroic one willing to go the extra mile to help others." Serge thought back a bit more optimistically. "At least that's what I like to think."

Anja wrote:"Thank you."
Vera thought.
"Ehm...before you where the guy who sent me to sleep where you not? do that again? I would rather be asleep than awake while...I am in this condition."
The vampire asked hesitantly and she looked at you nervously.
"I would not ask you for a favor it is just that this...condition really...really sucks."
Alexis looks at you.
"I would appreciate it if you could help her..."
The ghoul said.

"....No problem." Serge thought solemnly pulling out his notepad and flicking it open to a random page. He began to draw something on it's pages while saying, "Rest easy now. Soon this'll all be over and you'll return to your normal life."

He drew a picture of cartoon Vera, just as he had done in the apartment, sleeping soundly in her fluffy white bed with large Z floating above her to indicate snoring. Once it was finished he focused his mind and poured his imagination into the picture, making the scenario it depicted come to life.

(OOC: Mind 3 effect to put Vera to sleep.

Arete Roll: 1, 10, 7, 6 - 3, 9, 3, 5 - 4, 2, 5, 8 - 4, 3, 2, 9)
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:14 am


Colin paused, thinking back to the sensation of standing next to Irik, and speaking with Wrinkle, the sense of carefully restrained power crackling from their mere presence, 'I've... spoken with beings that can certainly considered Gods, in terms of their power, but they're not Celestines. And not all Gods are completely bereft of human perspective; some are ascended mortals themselves, or have dealt enough with us to appreciate the brief flickers our lifespans amount to in the scope of eternity... but yes, despite them being quite pleasant and polite at the time, it was a lot like being an ant next to a human.'

"What are Celestines? A type of spirit?"
Vera thought.
"It must have been fascinating to talk with such powerful being even if they are not what you call Celestines, but perhaps also terrifying?"
She asked sounding curious.

He nodded, "Hum, I wonder if that side effect persists after weaning yourself of... hum, well, I'm rather wondering on behalf of a friend. I can understand the difficulty, though; vampire blood is an extremely potent force of stagnation, so the normal biological processes would be impeded..."

"No once you are off the blood you return to being a normal human being so then you should be able to have children just fine, however let us say you have been a ghoul for seventy year and you where twenty when you started then time catch up with you in a few months turning you from twenty to minty in that time which will most likely kill you, also vampire blood are extremely addictive...but it is not to bad...not if you are treated well and you know the living forever and not aging is a perk."
Alexis commented with a slightly wry smile.
"So I guess we would stick to cats even if I technically could go of the blood and have children."

"Well it was worth a shot." Serge sent back.

You got back from Jon.

"Yeah. But for every shitty person, there's a heroic one willing to go the extra mile to help others." Serge thought back a bit more optimistically. "At least that's what I like to think."

"No unfortunately kid there is allot more shit than good allot more."
Alexis thought bitterly.

"....No problem." Serge thought solemnly pulling out his notepad and flicking it open to a random page. He began to draw something on it's pages while saying, "Rest easy now. Soon this'll all be over and you'll return to your normal life."

"Thank you kid."
The vampire thought gratefully.
"If at some point you do not have a guard...wake me so Alexis do not have to be alone please."
She said but the ghoul shook her head.
"No I will be okey sleep Vera...get through this I will be fine."
Alexis said but there where fear in her thoughts.

He drew a picture of cartoon Vera, just as he had done in the apartment, sleeping soundly in her fluffy white bed with large Z floating above her to indicate snoring. Once it was finished he focused his mind and poured his imagination into the picture, making the scenario it depicted come to life.

You felt Vera fall alseep peacefully in her crate, eventually as your spell ended her pain would return but it might affect her less as she slep deeply and at least asleep she would not be so afraid.
"Thank you."
Alexis whispered to you.
"That is rather impressive...I will watch over my Mistress, at least now she will have some relief."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Warpmind Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:27 am

Anja wrote:"What are Celestines? A type of spirit?"
Vera thought.
"It must have been fascinating to talk with such powerful being even if they are not what you call Celestines, but perhaps also terrifying?"
She asked sounding curious.
Colin nodded, 'An order of Gods, really, one of the, if not the, highest order of spirits. And yes, fascinating and terrifying is an accurate description of it all...'

Anja wrote:"No once you are off the blood you return to being a normal human being so then you should be able to have children just fine, however let us say you have been a ghoul for seventy year and you where twenty when you started then time catch up with you in a few months turning you from twenty to minty in that time which will most likely kill you, also vampire blood are extremely addictive...but it is not to bad...not if you are treated well and you know the living forever and not aging is a perk."
Alexis commented with a slightly wry smile.
"So I guess we would stick to cats even if I technically could go of the blood and have children."
He grimaced slightly, "Ah, rubber band effect... I did not know that was a consequence of, hm, detoxing. That sounds far less appealing, yes... I was under the impression vampire blood simply halted aging, and that aging would resume at the normal rate if one went off it, not... catching up like that."

[Colin's Apartment]
Nicole wrote:A silence as Nicole frowned, clearly thinking things through. Finally she answered. 'Let's say I accept "ghost trying to steal a body" as right-' tone making it clear she doubted this. '-just for the purpose of this argument. If they already knew about Kinfolk immunity, why ain't they already swiped a suitable body? Actually, that's a good question... why didn't ghosty simply go and find a coma patient or a Fox News viewer and steal the body?'
He smiled wryly, "Ah, you misunderstand, I think - Jace is not trying to steal a body, he's making a new one, knitting together the genetically perfect specimen. The man was a perfectionist, and would not settle for discounted vegetables, to use an unkind term. He's not merely trying to possess a body, but to reincarnate. And he's trying to get an Avatar to bond with in the process, too, which we've got to keep denying him access to."

Nicole wrote:'Or the Union has learned - either from checking their experts or from a spy at Riverside - that us Kinfolk are immune to this plague. And they're working flat-out to make as much vaccine to save their own skins, which requires samples.'
He nodded, frowning, "It's possible, though I find the idea of a Union spy at Riverside far less believable. The fact that a rat was found with spinal fluid tapped, and from your description, only spinal fluid tapped, makes it sound more like Jace's minions' work, a bit on the sloppy side... but I'm not entirely ruling out the Union being behind at least a number of the disappearances."

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:36 am


Colin nodded, 'An order of Gods, really, one of the, if not the, highest order of spirits. And yes, fascinating and terrifying is an accurate description of it all...'

"I have never met a being like that which is probably a good thing. I have met a few old vampires though but not that old and powerful, it still makes you feel rather small."
Vera thought back.

He grimaced slightly, "Ah, rubber band effect... I did not know that was a consequence of, hm, detoxing. That sounds far less appealing, yes... I was under the impression vampire blood simply halted aging, and that aging would resume at the normal rate if one went off it, not... catching up like that."

"No it will catch up, so it is one more threat for vampires to use to control their ghouls."
Alexis said.
"I am a long way from having to worry about that though and Vera have never treated me other than fair but yes as soon as you are of the blood, time takes what it is due with a vengeance."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:41 am


Anja wrote:"No unfortunately kid there is allot more shit than good allot more."
Alexis thought bitterly.

"Dunno know about that. I think there plenty more good that mean people out there. You just notice the shit people more." Serge thought back. "Ahhh but who knows. The world's always changing. Maybe your right. Maybe I'm right. Maybe we're both wrong. Maybe we're both right."

Anja wrote:"Thank you kid."
The vampire thought gratefully.
"If at some point you do not have a guard...wake me so Alexis do not have to be alone please."
She said but the ghoul shook her head.
"No I will be okey sleep Vera...get through this I will be fine."
Alexis said but there where fear in her thoughts.

"If I have the time, I'll come back and re-established the link so you two can talk for a bit." Serge thought-promised. "I also have ways to let you guys communicate while you sleep. But I'll save that explanation until it's needed."

Anja wrote:You felt Vera fall alseep peacefully in her crate, eventually as your spell ended her pain would return but it might affect her less as she slep deeply and at least asleep she would not be so afraid.
"Thank you."
Alexis whispered to you.
"That is rather impressive...I will watch over my Mistress, at least now she will have some relief."

"I'm sure she'll rest easier knowing that she knows your safe and watching her over. Here." Serge said handing Alexis the picture of cute sleeping cartoon Vera. "Perhaps not the best style for your master. But it's a nice memento to help with the wait. Hopefully if my mission goes well that wait won't be too long."

With that said, Serge gave a friendly wave of farewell to Alexis and journeyed back up the stairs to the common room, nodding to Arn along the way and smiling and wondering what it had been like for him standing in the middle of a silent room, cut off from the conversation.
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sat Jul 06, 2019 8:44 am


"Dunno know about that. I think there plenty more good that mean people out there. You just notice the shit people more." Serge thought back. "Ahhh but who knows. The world's always changing. Maybe your right. Maybe I'm right. Maybe we're both wrong. Maybe we're both right."

"If you just look at the quantity yes there might be more good people than bad, or at least more average people who are just living their lives in peace trying to get by, but among the ones that have the power to actually do something, far more just serve their own selfish wishes caring little for who they step on along the way, one need just look at the world to see that if it really had been a hero for every bad person it would look pretty different."
Alexis said darkly.

"If I have the time, I'll come back and re-established the link so you two can talk for a bit." Serge thought-promised. "I also have ways to let you guys communicate while you sleep. But I'll save that explanation until it's needed."

"It is better to just let Vera sleep I will be fine."
The ghoul thought.
"She should sleep as much as possible until this ordeal is over."

"I'm sure she'll rest easier knowing that she knows your safe and watching her over. Here." Serge said handing Alexis the picture of cute sleeping cartoon Vera. "Perhaps not the best style for your master. But it's a nice memento to help with the wait. Hopefully if my mission goes well that wait won't be too long."

Alexis smiled a little at the drawing.
"That is adorable."
She whispered.
"You cast your spell using drawings?"
The ghoul asked keeping her voice low.
"Good luck on your mission."

With that said, Serge gave a friendly wave of farewell to Alexis and journeyed back up the stairs to the common room, nodding to Arn along the way and smiling and wondering what it had been like for him standing in the middle of a silent room, cut off from the conversation.

Arn gave you a polite bow as you passed. You got up to the common room. Jon was still there tapping away at his tablet. Helga and both the Van Hesses was there was well, the latter having tea and Helga reading some papers.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:23 am


Anja wrote:"If you just look at the quantity yes there might be more good people than bad, or at least more average people who are just living their lives in peace trying to get by, but among the ones that have the power to actually do something, far more just serve their own selfish wishes caring little for who they step on along the way, one need just look at the world to see that if it really had been a hero for every bad person it would look pretty different."
Alexis said darkly.

"Keep looking at it like that and that's all you'll see." Serge replied. "Nowadays, I prefer to see things in a brighter light. But maybe that's just my naive optimism."

Anja wrote:"It is better to just let Vera sleep I will be fine."
The ghoul thought.
"She should sleep as much as possible until this ordeal is over."

"If that's what you want." Serge thought back.

Anja wrote:Alexis smiled a little at the drawing.
"That is adorable."
She whispered.
"You cast your spell using drawings?"

"Yup. Drawings are basically my magick wand." Serge said with a chuckle.

Anja wrote:Arn gave you a polite bow as you passed. You got up to the common room. Jon was still there tapping away at his tablet. Helga and both the Van Hesses was there was well, the latter having tea and Helga reading some papers.

"Sup." Serge said to Jon. "Didn't learn much other than the current ghoul guarding the oracle and the fact that she's the only one with the Oracle. Vera couldn't remember much about her visit and didn't want me crawling through her memories so I couldn't get a layout on the inside of that building."
Jeremy Silverstein
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sat Jul 06, 2019 10:36 am


"Keep looking at it like that and that's all you'll see." Serge replied. "Nowadays, I prefer to see things in a brighter light. But maybe that's just my naive optimism."

"I am looking at it realistically kid, and yes I do think your view of the world are due to naive optimism or perhaps you have been lucky and not seen so much of the shit yet."
Alexis said and she smiled a little.
"It is adorable though."

"If that's what you want." Serge thought back.

"I want Vera to be comfortable, she is just worried about me since I do not do well with confined spaces...or being alone but I...ehm...I will deal with it as long as she is as comfortable as possible."
Alexis thought back and she had a faraway look on her face.

"Yup. Drawings are basically my magick wand." Serge said with a chuckle.

"I see...that is pretty cool kid."
The ghoul said with a smile.

[Common Room]

"Sup." Serge said to Jon. "Didn't learn much other than the current ghoul guarding the oracle and the fact that she's the only one with the Oracle. Vera couldn't remember much about her visit and didn't want me crawling through her memories so I couldn't get a layout on the inside of that building."

"Same as before gathering data...and all you needed was the current guard right? As for the layout of the apartment unless you are teleporting in then there are little use for that right? I mean it can't be that big."
Jon said.
"You went down there to get the appearance of the guard and you got what you wanted, as for the layout I can probably get that online there are other residents you know they have social media and each time one of the apartments are rented out there are usually an add with pictures."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Nicole Bouchard Sat Jul 06, 2019 2:59 pm

[Colin's Apartment]

Colin's Post:

A short pause before replying. 'This plot-theory has two huge holes in it. One, why the fuck didn't he have this new body all ready and waiting before stealing an Awakened brain and two, where does the plague fit into all this?'

Colin's Post:

'Which I can say right back; why didn't ghosty's minions simply blow the rat's brain over the sidewalk after they'd drained the spine? Or capture them?'
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sat Jul 06, 2019 5:42 pm


Anja wrote:"I am looking at it realistically kid, and yes I do think your view of the world are due to naive optimism or perhaps you have been lucky and not seen so much of the shit yet."
Alexis said and she smiled a little.
"It is adorable though."

"Naah, I think I've seen some shit. I'm optimistic not ignorant. This isn't even my first time seeing someone blow up you know." Serge thought back.

[Common Room]

Anja wrote:"Same as before gathering data...and all you needed was the current guard right? As for the layout of the apartment unless you are teleporting in then there are little use for that right? I mean it can't be that big."
Jon said.
"You went down there to get the appearance of the guard and you got what you wanted, as for the layout I can probably get that online there are other residents you know they have social media and each time one of the apartments are rented out there are usually an add with pictures."

"If you only settle to do the minimum required of you then you'll never improve." Serge responded.

"Layout is something I'm sure Nicole wants. And any information we can get is good isn't it?" he said resting his head against the back of the chair. The rapid-fire spells he had done in the basement had started to take its toll.

"Still bothered by the fact that it's only the guard and the oracle. You'd think a super boss level vampire would put more guards around his precognition machine. Probably some ghost guards or maybe even permanent ghoul residents in the buildings that we're unaware of."
Jeremy Silverstein
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:09 pm


"Naah, I think I've seen some shit. I'm optimistic not ignorant. This isn't even my first time seeing someone blow up you know." Serge thought back.

"No kid you have seen a bit of violence, perhaps a bad deed and then some heroic mage have come to make it all better, you have not seen the crushing daily grind, and I guess that is good, your naiveté is a good thing, unfortunately one day it will be shattered at the general shit of this world."
Alexis said with a sigh.

[Common Room]

"If you only settle to do the minimum required of you than you'll never improve." Serge responded.

"And if you are never satisfied about getting what you wanted but not more then you will never be happy."
Jon retorted.

"Layout is something I'm sure Nicole wants. And any information we can get is good isn't it?" he said resting his head against the back of the chair. The rapid-fire spells he had done in the basement had started to take its toll.

"That it is...I will see what I can find."
The Virtual Adept said then he glanced up at you.
"Are you ok Serge you look rather worn out?"

"Still bothered by the fact that it's only the guard and the oracle. You'd think a super boss level vampire would put more guards around his precognition machine. Probably some ghost guards or maybe even permanent ghoul residents in the buildings that we're unaware of."

"Ghoul residents in the building is possible, but more guards would just risk drawing attention and show him as weak, the thing is the guard is probably there to make sure this oracle stays put, this Giovanni assume no one will dare to steal from him, having a ton of guards armed to the teeth both A cost allot of resources and B make him seam like someone who expect to be robbed."
Jon replied.
"Beside they do have that alarm."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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Post by Adley Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:02 pm


When you where done with your rote and where looking it over you saw Hildegard on her way towards the car, the Chorister was wearing a brown coat over her knee length brown shirt and off white blouse, and in one hand she held a old fashioned doctor's bag.
"Mr Roth Hicks."
She said politely.
"I was asked to help deal with any ghosts that might obstruct your task."

"Ah, hello, Madam," he said, giving her a polite nod of his head. "Yes, it looks like an alarm they have is spirit-based and as some of them are necromancers, their backup could likely include ghosts. I just made a minor protection," he said, poking at his shield with a slightly dissatisfied look before looking back to her. "Do you need an overview of what we'll be facing?" he asked her.

Serge said out loud pulling out his phone and sending a quick text message to Jon, Nicole, and Adley. "Mr. Wainwright says to meet in the garage in a few minutes." he texted to them

He checked his phone as the message alert went off. "Hrm, it seems the rest of the team will be here soon," he told Hildegard.


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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:12 pm


"Ah, hello, Madam," he said, giving her a polite nod of his head. "Yes, it looks like an alarm they have is spirit-based and as some of them are necromancers, their backup could likely include ghosts. I just made a minor protection," he said, poking at his shield with a slightly dissatisfied look before looking back to her. "Do you need an overview of what we'll be facing?" he asked her.

"Yes an overview would be helpful Mr Roth Hicks."
Hildegard said with a polite nod.
"So we will be facing vampires and ghosts when we retrieve a young vampire who have some importance for the current conflict?"
The Chorister asked.
"For that is about as much as I have gotten from all of this."

He checked his phone as the message alert went off. "Hrm, it seems the rest of the team will be here soon," he told Hildegard.

"Good, the sun is going down, we might be facing vampires themselves as well as their slaves unless we act before they have time to catch their wits about them for the night."
The elderly woman agreed.
"So we are taking the Subaru?"
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:15 pm


Anja wrote:"No kid you have seen a bit of violence, perhaps a bad deed and then some heroic mage have come to make it all better, you have not seen the crushing daily grind, and I guess that is good, your naiveté is a good thing, unfortunately one day it will be shattered at the general shit of this world."
Alexis said with a sigh.

"I don't think you've known me long enough to make any of those assumptions." Serge thought back, his face unchanging but small bits of frustration drifting through his thoughts.

[Common Room]

Anja wrote:"And if you are never satisfied about getting what you wanted but not more then you will never be happy."
Jon retorted.

"I don't deserve happiness if all I do is what's expected." Serge replied back.

Anja wrote:"That it is...I will see what I can find."
The Virtual Adept said then he glanced up at you.
"Are you ok Serge you look rather worn out?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle." Serge said, resting his eyes and rubbing his tired wrists.

Anja wrote:"Ghoul residents in the building is possible, but more guards would just risk drawing attention and show him as weak, the thing is the guard is probably there to make sure this oracle stays put, this Giovanni assume no one will dare to steal from him, having a ton of guards armed to the teeth both A cost allot of resources and B make him seam like someone who expect to be robbed."
Jon replied.
"Beside they do have that alarm."

"Everything has an alarm. I wanna know what makes this place unique. It'll probably be ghosts. You don't fight a clan of necromancer's without running into ghosts." Serge replied with a smirk, before he sitting upright and pulling out his phone, "Speaking of alarms. You sent me a couple of apps right. A proximity alarm app and a 'put small objects elsewhere' app. I've been wanting to test those out. Should I know anything about them before I use them?"
Jeremy Silverstein
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:30 pm


"I don't think you've known me long enough to make any of those assumptions." Serge thought back, his face unchanging but small bits of frustration drifting through his thoughts.

"Really are you saying I am wrong then?"
Alexis thought back.
"Listen kid sure you could be putting on an act, playing at being a completely innocent kid to gain trust, you could be but taking your words at face value, then either you have not experienced the harshness of this world and been shielded from it or you are stupid and you do not appear to be stupid to me. Come back to me when you have lived a little and then tell me that for every evil bastard there is a hero ready to take them down, and until that time enjoy your naivete you will never get it back once it shatters."
The ghoul replied with deep sadness in her eyes.

[Common Room]

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle." Serge said, resting his eyes and rubbing his tired wrists.

"Ok if you are sure."
Jon said but he looked rather concerned.

"Everything has an alarm. I wanna know what makes this place unique. It'll probably be ghosts. You don't fight a clan of necromancer's without running into ghosts." Serge replied with a smirk, before he sitting upright and pulling out his phone,

"Yeah my guess is ghosts as well, it is hard to say though other than that their alarm is supernatural."
The technomancer agreed with a sigh.

"Speaking of alarms. You sent me a couple of apps right. A proximity alarm app and a 'put small objects elsewhere' app. I've been wanting to test those out. Should I know anything about them before I use them?"

"I sent you and updated map app, it shows a few more things, the proximity alarm app is just that it will tell you if something you have specified that it can detect are getting close and the move stuff app will move small objects, like a bullet out of the way if it is active, however do not play with that as it is vulgar and I prefer not to get Paradox use it only if you need it."
Jon replied.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Sun Jul 07, 2019 1:37 am


Anja wrote:"Really are you saying I am wrong then?"
Alexis thought back.
"Listen kid sure you could be putting on an act, playing at being a completely innocent kid to gain trust, you could be but taking your words at face value, then either you have not experienced the harshness of this world and been shielded from it or you are stupid and you do not appear to be stupid to me. Come back to me when you have lived a little and then tell me that for every evil bastard there is a hero ready to take them down, and until that time enjoy your naivete you will never get it back once it shatters."
The ghoul replied with deep sadness in her eyes.

Serge simply sighed and thought, "Well it looks like I'll add you to the list of people waiting for my supposed innocence to shatter. I guess I'll see you again when I've lived a little. We'll see who's right then."

[Common Room]

Anja wrote:"Yeah my guess is ghosts as well, it is hard to say though other than that their alarm is supernatural."
The technomancer agreed with a sigh.

"Do we have any ghostbusters on the team?" Serge asked. "Seems like it'd be good to get a Euthanatos or someone with similar skills."

Anja wrote:"I sent you and updated map app, it shows a few more things, the proximity alarm app is just that it will tell you if something you have specified that it can detect are getting close and the move stuff app will move small objects, like a bullet out of the way if it is active, however do not play with that as it is vulgar and I prefer not to get Paradox use it only if you need it."
Jon replied.

"WHAT! That's way cooler than what I was thinking of. Dammit, I wanna mess with that so bad." Serge groaned staring intensely at his phone screen, looking like Jon had simultaneously raised and then crushed his spirit. "Wait, will you get doxxed if I use it here? Like in the chantry?"
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Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37 - Page 28 Empty Re: Cats, Uncooperative Prisoners and Eight Technocrats IC Thread 37

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:40 am


Serge simply sighed and thought, "Well it looks like I'll add you to the list of people waiting for my supposed innocence to shatter. I guess I'll see you again when I've lived a little. We'll see who's right then."

"Hopefully kid we will never see one another again. However if many people are telling you the same thing, perhaps you should listen."
Alexis said simply.

[Common Room]

Do we have any ghostbusters on the team?" Serge asked. "Seems like it'd be good to get a Euthanatos or someone with similar skills."

"Yes I think they are sending Miss Gottschalk with your team. I will stay here but you can call me if you need me."
Jon replied.

"WHAT! That's way cooler than what I was thinking of. Dammit, I wanna mess with that so bad." Serge groaned staring intensely at his phone screen, looking like Jon had simultaneously raised and then crushed his spirit. "Wait, will you get doxxed if I use it here? Like in the chantry?"

"I guess it is safer here at the Chantry, just remember this is not an enchantment it is a program I am running. But you may try it out once, at the Chantry usually unless things go wrong we will not get Paradox in here, but try to keep it to once."
The Virtual Adept said with a sigh.
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