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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Sun Sep 29, 2024 3:59 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Colin grinned, "I shall leave you my card, then. I'm afraid there will be some time before things calm down properly."

"I appreciate it Mr Wainwright...yes...busy busy...ah I should go and get Master Tolle."
The Etherite said before she headed out the door.

e nodded to himself, making a mental note to suggest the shuttle for field testing the fuel, for fair compensation, once Dr. Beck deemed it ready for trials. He also signed one of his business cards and set it against an empty, sufficiently clean coffee mug on the desk.

There was allot of coffee mugs on the table.

He nodded to Master Kaur, "His Avatar was severed; Master D'Angelo attempted the worst crime against it... I cannot guess why he resorted to such a risky attempt just to cover his tracks, but he certainly must have had some rationale behind it. As for the file, it is a plain document folder, not a digital one; one of several secured copies. There is also the matter of the prisoner Kallan, who may be able and willing to testify if he regains consciousness... I would ask permission to offer him a clean death as a Mage, rather than the... standard sentence for a Fallen; it won't spare his life, but his Avatar may be able to return to our side in its next incarnation, given a little compassion..."

"Yes so I see, the Avatar have started the process of re attaching herself, what we can do is offer a weak flow of Queintessence to strengthen the Avatar and soothe it, this will also help with the pain the host is experiencing."
Master Kaur said as she checked her tablet again.

"Hum...we will certainly ask why Master D'Angelo would try such a thing."
Master Tolle said.
"Ah files actual files so much the better. As for Kallen I do not have the authority to give such a permission."
The old Quesitor said.
"But he will certainly be interrogated before he is made to stand trial."
Master Tolle said and Master Kaur frowned her disproval at that.

He looked over at D'Angelo, "Also, the good Master here had a ring on him - a small signaling device, which would have transmitted an emergency signal to somewhere in Concordia's Penumbra. We were not able to trace the location of the transmission tower, but Scientist Bouchard here was able to prevent the signal from being sent, and has isolated the device for safekeeping and later analysis. I recommend she be brought under secure escort to an appropriate lab - there may be an umbra ship somewhere nearby, possibly near where the psychic jellyfish normally reside. Whom, incidentally, it seems Master D'Angelo has accidentally neglected to inform his superiors about the mysterious absence of."

"I will arrange for us all to get to a safe location."
Master Tolle replied.
"And one of the Ethics Council who understand what you just said will deal with this for the something wrong with them?"
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Age : 42
Location : Sotra (Norway)

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:10 am

[Umbral Chantry, Catacombs]

Anja wrote:"I mean I have a sofa in my lab but he look like he might need a hospital."
The woman said.
"Should I call someone?"
Colin wrote:He nodded, "The kid's suffered temporary Avatar separation - he'll recover, but he will need bedrest. There are some Etherite security staff coming our way, as well as one Quaesitor, Master Tolle. If you could have them directed to us - no other Quaesitors than Tolle - that would be excellent. Also, lending the young man the sofa until they arrive would be kind of you."
Anja wrote:"Oh my...well off course I will help, mine is this door right here, sorry about the mess."
The pock marked woman showed the way to a door and opened it, inside was a small lab, there was two tables socked with equipment, a cabinet full of chemicals. Some diplomas and cedentials hanging on the wall proclaimed her as Dr Zirlana Beck. There was also a small desk and a computer and a old, worn sofa.
"Make yourself at home...ehm...better not toch the chemicls some of them are volitile."
Zirlena said.
"You wanted me to go look for Master Tolle and his entorage?"
Anja wrote:Dominic scowled again. Amadeus tried to make the apprentice comfortable on the sofa. Jeffry stood by the door on guard duty and was abotu to signal to Nicole to do the same, but the group did not have to wait for long.

Serge stood off to the side, trying not to take up too much space as the group waited for what came next.

Anja wrote:Dr Beck returned with Master Tolle, one tall, blond man wearing a old worn suit. Colin do nto know him but Nicole you do, he is Anton Mulch he was a ethics professor at the academy before he was offered a job witht he Ethics Council on Horizon. You did not have many classes with him but he seamed to be strict but fair. Anton do recognize Nicole and gave her a polite nod. The two other members of the Ethics Council Nick do not know though she had seen them at Etherite conventions before. There was a slightly plump, dark skinend man in a dark suit and a lanky red haired woman in jeans and a t shirt. There was also a handsome, dark skinned woman with the group, she was wearing a yellow knitted sweater and blue jeans and her long, salt and pepper hair was braided. None of you recognize the woman but Jeffry did and he gave a warm smile.
"Master Kaur it is good to see you."
Master Tolle spoke up, he was an elderly, tall but haunched over man, he was nearly bald and wrinkly wearing long, dark robes. His scales of office hung on a chain around his thin neck. The Quesitor supported himself on a cane.
"I was summoned."
Master Tolle said.
"I am as you might know Tolle bani Guernicus those with me are Master Clementine Kaur bani Virtual Adepts, Master Anton Mulch and Adepts Trevon Carlson and Aisling O'Sullivan all bani Sons of Ether. We can talk once the situation have been secured."
As Master Tolle spoke Clementine was heading to the wounded apprentice pulling a tablet out of her pocket and starting to tap at it.
Colin wrote:He crisply saluted the Enforcers, "Master Tolle, good to see you again... once we're out of here, I will place a call to have a file sent over to you, which I am certain you'll find most useful under the circumstances. We did encounter Jodi Blake in the catacombs, and managed to kill and cremate her; there'll be a glassy patch on the floor, casting its shadow into the Penumbra, and we might want someone to address that issue swiftly; she is a powerhouse, and prone to returning."
Anja wrote:"We suspect she have copies due to reports of her death several times in history. I will send a strike team of Flambeau to see if they can track down her copies before she can revive."
Master Tolle said as he checked Dominic's restraints.
"Send the file to my apprentice Mr Wainwright I trust him...Master Kaur can the young man be moved?"
Clementine nodded and put her tablet away.
"Yes Master Tolle he should be fine but I would still like to take him to the Etherite clinic for observation."
She informed the Quesitor and he nodded.
"We should not stay there are forces at work and we are not safe."
Master Tolle said, there was no fear in his voice or bravado just cold hard fact.
Colin wrote:He nodded to Master Kaur, "His Avatar was severed; Master D'Angelo attempted the worst crime against it... I cannot guess why he resorted to such a risky attempt just to cover his tracks, but he certainly must have had some rationale behind it. As for the file, it is a plain document folder, not a digital one; one of several secured copies. There is also the matter of the prisoner Kallan, who may be able and willing to testify if he regains consciousness... I would ask permission to offer him a clean death as a Mage, rather than the... standard sentence for a Fallen; it won't spare his life, but his Avatar may be able to return to our side in its next incarnation, given a little compassion..."
He looked over at D'Angelo, "Also, the good Master here had a ring on him - a small signaling device, which would have transmitted an emergency signal to somewhere in Concordia's Penumbra. We were not able to trace the location of the transmission tower, but Scientist Bouchard here was able to prevent the signal from being sent, and has isolated the device for safekeeping and later analysis. I recommend she be brought under secure escort to an appropriate lab - there may be an umbra ship somewhere nearby, possibly near where the psychic jellyfish normally reside. Whom, incidentally, it seems Master D'Angelo has accidentally neglected to inform his superiors about the mysterious absence of."
Anja wrote:"I will arrange for us all to get to a safe location."
Master Tolle replied.
"And one of the Ethics Council who understand what you just said will deal with this for the something wrong with them?"

Serge made sure to listen as the adults talked about the situation at hand. He felt a vague sense of vindication and foreboding hearing about how Jodie Blake was known for having copies but brushed those feeling aside as he listened to what was discussed.

When the conversation stirred towards the Jellyfish, he tried to recall for himself what they had learned. That the Jellyfish were disappearing in the seas around a particular island that was heavily warded. Furthermore a dragon had told Serge that the area felt 'Wrong' to her, signifying a more malicious reasoning as to what the island housed.
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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Join date : 2017-08-16

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Warpmind Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:19 am

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]
Anja wrote:"Yes so I see, the Avatar have started the process of re attaching herself, what we can do is offer a weak flow of Queintessence to strengthen the Avatar and soothe it, this will also help with the pain the host is experiencing."
Master Kaur said as she checked her tablet again.
Colin glanced over at Amadeus, "I believe the Verbena clinic has a supply of some quite beneficial ephemeral anaesthetic - an incense that will soothe Avatar pains. Inquiring with them about providing some might be helpful."

Anja wrote:"Hum...we will certainly ask why Master D'Angelo would try such a thing."
Master Tolle said.
"Ah files actual files so much the better. As for Kallen I do not have the authority to give such a permission."
The old Quesitor said.
"But he will certainly be interrogated before he is made to stand trial."
Master Tolle said and Master Kaur frowned her disproval at that.
He nodded, "Thing is, Quaesitor Green tried to torture him to not talk, as evidenced by the initial tongue removal... which is why I suggest you might petition for using the carrot instead of the stick here. I have some rapport with the man, and would be willing to conduct such questioning, under the surveillance of a reliable Enforcer."

Anja wrote:"I will arrange for us all to get to a safe location."
Master Tolle replied.
"And one of the Ethics Council who understand what you just said will deal with this for the something wrong with them?"
Jeremy wrote:When the conversation stirred towards the Jellyfish, he tried to recall for himself what they had learned. That the Jellyfish were disappearing in the seas around a particular island that was heavily warded. Furthermore a dragon had told Serge that the area felt 'Wrong' to her, signifying a more malicious reasoning as to what the island housed.
He nodded, gesturing to Serge, "I believe it was Mr. Yager here who was first made aware of the situation; it appears the jellyfish are absent, cause unknown... All I can offer at this point as to what happened is speculation, though given the presence of a powerful Nephanda like Jodi Blake... I don't trust the matters are unrelated."

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:35 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Colin glanced over at Amadeus, "I believe the Verbena clinic has a supply of some quite beneficial ephemeral anaesthetic - an incense that will soothe Avatar pains. Inquiring with them about providing some might be helpful."

"Yes I believe so. I can contact them and see what they can do for the kid."
Amadeus agreed. Clementine nodded.
"Very well, taking the patient to the Verbena Clinic might be..."
She begun but Master Tolle shook his head.
"No currently the security forces of the Etherites are the only ones I know are not a part of this, that is nto to say the others are guilty but I have reason to know the Ethics Council are not corrupted, not yet, we will take the apprentice fo the Etherite clinic."
The Quesitor declared and Clementine nodded.
"Very well Master Tolle."

He nodded, "Thing is, Quaesitor Green tried to torture him to not talk, as evidenced by the initial tongue removal... which is why I suggest you might petition for using the carrot instead of the stick here. I have some rapport with the man, and would be willing to conduct such questioning, under the surveillance of a reliable Enforcer."

"You may speak with Kallan but the disposition you ask for is not my power to give, he will stand trial such is the law."
Master Tolle declared.
"And the law is absolute!"

He nodded, gesturing to Serge, "I believe it was Mr. Yager here who was first made aware of the situation; it appears the jellyfish are absent, cause unknown... All I can offer at this point as to what happened is speculation, though given the presence of a powerful Nephanda like Jodi Blake... I don't trust the matters are unrelated."

"Yes that is concerning."
Master Tolle said then he turned his cold, steel gray eyes on Serge.
"Tell me what you know Mr Yager!"
He demanded. Tragedy whispered to Colin.
"What is this guy's deal?"
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

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Age : 42
Location : Sotra (Norway)

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Mon Sep 30, 2024 7:15 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Colin wrote:He nodded, gesturing to Serge, "I believe it was Mr. Yager here who was first made aware of the situation; it appears the jellyfish are absent, cause unknown... All I can offer at this point as to what happened is speculation, though given the presence of a powerful Nephanda like Jodi Blake... I don't trust the matters are unrelated."
Anja wrote:"Yes that is concerning."
Master Tolle said then he turned his cold, steel gray eyes on Serge.
"Tell me what you know Mr Yager!"
He demanded. Tragedy whispered to Colin.
"What is this guy's deal?"

Serge had a similar thought to Tragedy's though he recognized that the man's intensity was probably justified given the information that had been presented. "I was informed by a Dragon that there was a wrong-feeling type of magick emanating from somewhere off the coast. I scry-ed across the Seas of Horizon and found one particular area that was heavily warded. It seems that the jellyfish around this warded area have been going missing."

He pulled out his phone and brought up the picture of his large scale drawing of the Horizon Sea Maps, including the area that refused to come alive in his mind and showed it to Master Tolle.

He also glanced over at Master Morgan, inviting him to share further information. The Master had contacted someone regarding the Jellyfish and they were interrupted by the Fire Elemental and subsequent Verbena rescue mission before he could divulge what he had found out.
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

Posts : 5203
Join date : 2017-08-16

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Nicole Bouchard Mon Sep 30, 2024 7:37 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Anja's Post:

'Except I always expect it.' she silently replied, helping Master Nassa carry the unconscious apprentice back to... somewhere.

[Horizon Chantry, Etherite Labs]

Anja's Post:

Nicole looked around vaguely curiously, continuing to carry the load.

Anja's Post:

'Erm... don't this lab complex have no medbay or something?' Nicole replied curiously, moving to put their load onto the sofa [if it was large enough, that is].

Anja's Post:

'What's wrong with the standard enriched fuels?' Nicole couldn't help but replying - after all, various craft of all types had been using such things for over a century.

Colin's Post:

Nicole looked at Colin looking, vaguely wondering if he actually knew what he was looking at. To her knowledge, he didn't know squat about either engines or chemistry.

Anja's Post:

'Afternoon, Doctor Mulch.' Nicole replied, a little self conscious to the fact she looked like she'd just been butchering someone. Correctly, in this case.
Nicole Bouchard
Nicole Bouchard

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Age : 38

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:59 am

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Serge had a similar thought to Tragedy's though he recognized that the man's intensity was probably justified given the information that had been presented. "I was informed by a Dragon that there was a wrong-feeling type of magick emanating from somewhere off the coast. I scry-ed across the Seas of Horizon and found one particular area that was heavily warded. It seems that the jellyfish around this warded area have been going missing."

He pulled out his phone and brought up the picture of his large scale drawing of the Horizon Sea Maps, including the area that refused to come alive in his mind and showed it to Master Tolle.

He also glanced over at Master Morgan, inviting him to share further information. The Master had contacted someone regarding the Jellyfish and they were interrupted by the Fire Elemental and subsequent Verbena rescue mission before he could divulge what he had found out.

Master Tolle studied the phone carefully not really getting it but he listened to what Serge was saying and nodded.
"I have confirmed the information speaking with one of the jellyfish merchants at the docks."
Jeffry chimed in and Master Tolle nodded.
"Is Master D'Angelo to blame for a search not having been already sent out?"
He asked and Jeffry nodded.
"I believe so yes honored Quesitor."
Master Tolle nodded.
"I will see to it that a search team is sent out at let us leave."

Erm... don't this lab complex have no medbay or something?' Nicole replied curiously, moving to put their load onto the sofa [if it was large enough, that is].

"We did...but ehm it...ehm...blew up."
Dr Beck explained.
"Little accident that, so no...not at the moment no, the Chantry do have an infirmary though the Verbena mostly run that."

'What's wrong with the standard enriched fuels?' Nicole couldn't help but replying - after all, various craft of all types had been using such things for over a century.

"Nothing as such but we need more efficiency to make the juice last longer, that will allow our ships to explore deeper in the Umbra, go faster and have more efficient weaponry...if I can make it work."
Dr Beck said with a smile. You and Amadeus got the young apprentice comfortably placed down on the sofa.

Afternoon, Doctor Mulch.' Nicole replied, a little self conscious to the fact she looked like she'd just been butchering someone. Correctly, in this case.

The Ethic's Council member turned and gave a polite smile.
"Ah Scientist Bouchard are you well?"
He asked, then eh rummaged in a pocket, seemingly sensing your unease and handed you a pack of wet wipes and a solution in a small spray bottle.
"My own mixture, it will remove any stain you look like you have seen action Scientist."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

Posts : 20813
Join date : 2015-05-22
Age : 42
Location : Sotra (Norway)

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Warpmind Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:37 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]
Nicole wrote:'What's wrong with the standard enriched fuels?' Nicole couldn't help but replying - after all, various craft of all types had been using such things for over a century.
Anja wrote:"Nothing as such but we need more efficiency to make the juice last longer, that will allow our ships to explore deeper in the Umbra, go faster and have more efficient weaponry...if I can make it work."
Dr Beck said with a smile. You and Amadeus got the young apprentice comfortably placed down on the sofa.
Colin smiled thinly, catching Morgan's eyes, "Incremental gains... just like the batteries."

Nicole wrote:Nicole looked at Colin looking, vaguely wondering if he actually knew what he was looking at. To her knowledge, he didn't know squat about either engines or chemistry.
He leaned a little closer to the table, eyes following the piping of the apparatus, then straightened up, meeting Nicole's gaze, "Thoughts on the work, Nick?"

Anja wrote:"Yes I believe so. I can contact them and see what they can do for the kid."
Amadeus agreed. Clementine nodded.
"Very well, taking the patient to the Verbena Clinic might be..."
She begun but Master Tolle shook his head.
"No currently the security forces of the Etherites are the only ones I know are not a part of this, that is nto to say the others are guilty but I have reason to know the Ethics Council are not corrupted, not yet, we will take the apprentice fo the Etherite clinic."
The Quesitor declared and Clementine nodded.
"Very well Master Tolle."
He frowned, "Without letting on too much information, which Traditions do you have confirmed having suffered infiltration? Unless that needs to remain under wraps a little longer?"

Anja wrote:"You may speak with Kallan but the disposition you ask for is not my power to give, he will stand trial such is the law."
Master Tolle declared.
"And the law is absolute!"
He nodded, voice gentle, but still echoing with the voices of his shards, "The law is absolute, and he must stand trial... but there is a legal concept, I don't know how it might be applied in the Traditions, wherein the accused is offered a plea deal; their cooperation and confession to their crimes in exchange for leniency in sentencing. Kallan's Fall was from grief, not malice, and the knowledge that the apprentices he had lost live on, reincarnated, compelled him to divulge information like torture never could... I am not suggesting he not be tried, his guilt is not in dispute, I merely propose that a measure of mercy be offered for his cooperation, rather than applying further duress."

Anja wrote:"Yes that is concerning."
Master Tolle said then he turned his cold, steel gray eyes on Serge.
"Tell me what you know Mr Yager!"
He demanded. Tragedy whispered to Colin.
"What is this guy's deal?"
He frowned, whispering back, "Long story, I can elaborate later... suffice it to say, the man is a bloody Absolute of Law. One of the very best defenders you could get, and if you are innocent or have good precedent to shield you, the best prosecutor or judge you could ask for, too - you will get a fair hearing... if you are guilty, though? You'll still get an absolutely fair hearing, and an equally fair sentence. If you know of Judge Dredd?"

Jeremy wrote:Serge had a similar thought to Tragedy's though he recognized that the man's intensity was probably justified given the information that had been presented. "I was informed by a Dragon that there was a wrong-feeling type of magick emanating from somewhere off the coast. I scry-ed across the Seas of Horizon and found one particular area that was heavily warded. It seems that the jellyfish around this warded area have been going missing."

He pulled out his phone and brought up the picture of his large scale drawing of the Horizon Sea Maps, including the area that refused to come alive in his mind and showed it to Master Tolle.

He also glanced over at Master Morgan, inviting him to share further information. The Master had contacted someone regarding the Jellyfish and they were interrupted by the Fire Elemental and subsequent Verbena rescue mission before he could divulge what he had found out.
Anja wrote:Master Tolle studied the phone carefully not really getting it but he listened to what Serge was saying and nodded.
"I have confirmed the information speaking with one of the jellyfish merchants at the docks."
Jeffry chimed in and Master Tolle nodded.
"Is Master D'Angelo to blame for a search not having been already sent out?"
He asked and Jeffry nodded.
"I believe so yes honored Quesitor."
Master Tolle nodded.
"I will see to it that a search team is sent out at let us leave."
He nodded to Serge, hefting his cane properly, "Good work, son. Now, let us be ready for trouble, just in case..."

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Tue Oct 01, 2024 1:44 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Colin smiled thinly, catching Morgan's eyes, "Incremental gains... just like the batteries."

Jeffry harrumphed.

He frowned, "Without letting on too much information, which Traditions do you have confirmed having suffered infiltration? Unless that needs to remain under wraps a little longer?"

"Order of Hermes, Euthanathos, Verbena, Akashic Brotherhood."
Master Tolle whispered.
"Confirmed, I also suspect a member of the Cult of Ecstasy. Maybe more."

He nodded, voice gentle, but still echoing with the voices of his shards, "The law is absolute, and he must stand trial... but there is a legal concept, I don't know how it might be applied in the Traditions, wherein the accused is offered a plea deal; their cooperation and confession to their crimes in exchange for leniency in sentencing. Kallan's Fall was from grief, not malice, and the knowledge that the apprentices he had lost live on, reincarnated, compelled him to divulge information like torture never could... I am not suggesting he not be tried, his guilt is not in dispute, I merely propose that a measure of mercy be offered for his cooperation, rather than applying further duress."

"There are some very few situation that can exempt a Fallen from Gilgul, Falling due to grief is not one of them. The Traditions have no such thing as you describe, the law is Absolute Mr Wainwright, but you may speak with the prisoner if you so desire."
Master Tolle said without a shred of compassion in his voice.

He frowned, whispering back, "Long story, I can elaborate later... suffice it to say, the man is a bloody Absolute of Law. One of the very best defenders you could get, and if you are innocent or have good precedent to shield you, the best prosecutor or judge you could ask for, too - you will get a fair hearing... if you are guilty, though? You'll still get an absolutely fair hearing, and an equally fair sentence. If you know of Judge Dredd?"

"So he is Dudge Dredd with fireballs?"
Tragedy whispered, giving the Quesitor a nervous glance.
"Well I should not say so he have not done anything to us but he creep me out man."
She muttered with a shiver.

He nodded to Serge, hefting his cane properly, "Good work, son. Now, let us be ready for trouble, just in case..."

One of the Etherites pulled a small cloth from his pocket, poured water on it and it grew into a full length stretcher, he and the red haired Etherite then took the wounded young apprentice and gently put him on the stretcher and started carrying him out. Jeffry took the lead with Amadeus at his side, a dagger in each hand. Master Tolle followed with Dr Mulch and Master Kuar.
"Would you mind protecting the rear Miss Bouchard and Mr Wainwright and Mr Yager stay in the center of the group please."
Jeffry requested.
"Everyone keep your eyes open, and where is the cat?"
Madame Fat Cat had jumped up on her master's belly and lay there on top of him as he was carried out.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
Anja Rebekka Schultze

Posts : 20813
Join date : 2015-05-22
Age : 42
Location : Sotra (Norway)

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Warpmind Tue Oct 01, 2024 2:42 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]
Anja wrote:"Order of Hermes, Euthanathos, Verbena, Akashic Brotherhood."
Master Tolle whispered.
"Confirmed, I also suspect a member of the Cult of Ecstasy. Maybe more."
Colin frowned, "Worrisome, but not unsalvageable yet..."

Anja wrote:"There are some very few situation that can exempt a Fallen from Gilgul, Falling due to grief is not one of them. The Traditions have no such thing as you describe, the law is Absolute Mr Wainwright, but you may speak with the prisoner if you so desire."
Master Tolle said without a shred of compassion in his voice.
He nodded, "And I was not suggesting leniency due to the circumstance of his Falling, but in exchange for his full cooperation, an actual exchange... hm, I should note it was at Green's future trial I was informed of Kallan's torture, in a timeline where I arrived on site too late to save him. The Seat of Prime asked if I were able to change Kallan's fate, as she considered the whole affair a shameful blot on the Traditions honour... I suspect Kallan has some solid information on the corruption case, but if he doesn't come to..."

((OOC: I *think* it was the Seat of Prime, but can't find the future vision...))

Anja wrote:"So he is Dudge Dredd with fireballs?"
Tragedy whispered, giving the Quesitor a nervous glance.
"Well I should not say so he have not done anything to us but he creep me out man."
She muttered with a shiver.
He smiled thinly, whispering back, "Essentially accurate... and your instincts are good. Your Avatar senses what he has done..."

Anja wrote:One of the Etherites pulled a small cloth from his pocket, poured water on it and it grew into a full length stretcher, he and the red haired Etherite then took the wounded young apprentice and gently put him on the stretcher and started carrying him out. Jeffry took the lead with Amadeus at his side, a dagger in each hand. Master Tolle followed with Dr Mulch and Master Kuar.
"Would you mind protecting the rear Miss Bouchard and Mr Wainwright and Mr Yager stay in the center of the group please."
Jeffry requested.
"Everyone keep your eyes open, and where is the cat?"
Madame Fat Cat had jumped up on her master's belly and lay there on top of him as he was carried out.
He nodded, drawing his pistol again, holding it steady pointed at the floor, index finger in a resting position against the slide, "Yes, Sir. Madame has found her place of honour atop her master, it seems, I doubt we could lose her if we tried at this point."

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:37 am

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Anja wrote:Master Tolle studied the phone carefully not really getting it but he listened to what Serge was saying and nodded.
"I have confirmed the information speaking with one of the jellyfish merchants at the docks."
Jeffry chimed in and Master Tolle nodded.
"Is Master D'Angelo to blame for a search not having been already sent out?"
He asked and Jeffry nodded.
"I believe so yes honored Quesitor."
Master Tolle nodded.
"I will see to it that a search team is sent out at let us leave."
Colin wrote:He nodded to Serge, hefting his cane properly, "Good work, son. Now, let us be ready for trouble, just in case..."
Anja wrote:One of the Etherites pulled a small cloth from his pocket, poured water on it and it grew into a full length stretcher, he and the red haired Etherite then took the wounded young apprentice and gently put him on the stretcher and started carrying him out. Jeffry took the lead with Amadeus at his side, a dagger in each hand. Master Tolle followed with Dr Mulch and Master Kuar.
"Would you mind protecting the rear Miss Bouchard and Mr Wainwright and Mr Yager stay in the center of the group please."
Jeffry requested.
"Everyone keep your eyes open, and where is the cat?"
Madame Fat Cat had jumped up on her master's belly and lay there on top of him as he was carried out.

Serge did as requested and made sure to be in the center of the group as they prepared to leave, wondering what kind of new threat would be so confident as to dare attack so many Masters and powerful mages.
Jeremy Silverstein
Jeremy Silverstein

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:26 am

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Colin frowned, "Worrisome, but not unsalvageable yet..."

"We just need to root out the corrupted elements Mr Wainwright."
Master Tolle replied firmly.

He nodded, "And I was not suggesting leniency due to the circumstance of his Falling, but in exchange for his full cooperation, an actual exchange... hm, I should note it was at Green's future trial I was informed of Kallan's torture, in a timeline where I arrived on site too late to save him. The Seat of Prime asked if I were able to change Kallan's fate, as she considered the whole affair a shameful blot on the Traditions honour... I suspect Kallan has some solid information on the corruption case, but if he doesn't come to..."

"All this is irrelevant Mr Wainwright the law is clear. There are precedence for only two reasons why a Fallen is spared Gilgul, either if they are an apprentice and under the charge of a Mentor of good standing who can control them or if one of the Primi personally choose to show leniency, it go without saying this is rare. As such I can not give any dispensation form the laws, the only way you can get Kallen leniency is if you talk one of the Nine into granting it at his trial and frankly I doubt that will happen."
Master Tolle replied firmly and with no emotion. Several of the other gathered mages shivered.

He smiled thinly, whispering back, "Essentially accurate... and your instincts are good. Your Avatar senses what he has done..."

"Dare I ask what he have done?"
Tragedy whispered with another shiver.

He nodded, drawing his pistol again, holding it steady pointed at the floor, index finger in a resting position against the slide, "Yes, Sir. Madame has found her place of honour atop her master, it seems, I doubt we could lose her if we tried at this point."

Despite sleeping deeply due to Serge's spell the wounded apprentice lifted his hand and put it on the soft for of Madame Fat Cat. The cat closed her eyes and purred contently as the Etherites started carrying the stretcher out.
"I see let me know if she start wandering of."
Jeffry ordered.

Serge did as requested and made sure to be in the center of the group as they prepared to leave, wondering what kind of new threat would be so confident as to dare attack so many Masters and powerful mages.

"What if you draw us arriving safely at the clinic, I mean I don't know if there is magick in it but it could not hurt right, you know what the manifestation shit everyone always talk about."
Tragedy suggested patting Serge on the shoulder as the group started moving.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Warpmind Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:53 am

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]
Anja wrote:"We just need to root out the corrupted elements Mr Wainwright."
Master Tolle replied firmly.
Colin nodded, "We will... it might take a little time, but the rot must and will be purged."

Anja wrote:"All this is irrelevant Mr Wainwright the law is clear. There are precedence for only two reasons why a Fallen is spared Gilgul, either if they are an apprentice and under the charge of a Mentor of good standing who can control them or if one of the Primi personally choose to show leniency, it go without saying this is rare. As such I can not give any dispensation form the laws, the only way you can get Kallen leniency is if you talk one of the Nine into granting it at his trial and frankly I doubt that will happen."
Master Tolle replied firmly and with no emotion. Several of the other gathered mages shivered.
He nodded and smiled thinly, "O ye of little faith... The Seat of Prime asked me to intercede; it's only proper that I ask her the same favour... I'll have to request an audience."

Anja wrote:"Dare I ask what he have done?"
Tragedy whispered with another shiver.
He nodded, "Soulrender... he takes on that task to spare his colleagues from the harm it inflicts. He knows what it has taken from him, and doesn't want others to suffer the same..."

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:09 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Colin nodded, "We will... it might take a little time, but the rot must and will be purged."

"Indeed so it will be purged Mr Wainwright."
Master Tolle agreed with a firm nod.

He nodded and smiled thinly, "O ye of little faith... The Seat of Prime asked me to intercede; it's only proper that I ask her the same favour... I'll have to request an audience."

"What you request of the Primi is between you and them."
The Quesitor replied.
"I only enforce the law."

He nodded, "Soulrender... he takes on that task to spare his colleagues from the harm it inflicts. He knows what it has taken from him, and doesn't want others to suffer the same..."

Tragedy took a few more steps away from Master Tolle.
"Well shit!"
She muttered growing pale.
"So he have...ehm...performed...well shit..."
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Warpmind Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:37 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]
Anja wrote:"What you request of the Primi is between you and them."
The Quesitor replied.
"I only enforce the law."
Colin nodded, "And provide crucial refreshers and insights into said law, Sir. You might think little of that part, but clarifying the law is as important as enforcing it."

Anja wrote:Tragedy took a few more steps away from Master Tolle.
"Well shit!"
She muttered growing pale.
"So he have...ehm...performed...well shit..."
He nodded, speaking softly, "And he will continue to do so for as long as the law demands... his tragedy is that he knows what it has done to him, and he cannot let others end up like him..."

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Wed Oct 02, 2024 2:26 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Colin nodded, "And provide crucial refreshers and insights into said law, Sir. You might think little of that part, but clarifying the law is as important as enforcing it."

"If you say so Mr Wainwright I am happy to be of service."
Master Tolle replied in a flat tone of voice.

He nodded, speaking softly, "And he will continue to do so for as long as the law demands... his tragedy is that he knows what it has done to him, and he cannot let others end up like him..."

Tragedy looked rather horrified.
"Shit that is fucked up."
She muttered.
"Wait do that mean...I mean I heard what had happened to my he one of those who hurt Bee?"
The young Verbena glanced over at Master Tolle and shuddered again.
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Warpmind Wed Oct 02, 2024 2:35 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]
Anja wrote:Tragedy looked rather horrified.
"Shit that is fucked up."
She muttered.
"Wait do that mean...I mean I heard what had happened to my he one of those who hurt Bee?"
The young Verbena glanced over at Master Tolle and shuddered again.
Colin nodded, "He is the one who allowed me to stall the ritual, and then stopped it immediately and completely when Adley brought evidence that Bee's sentence was incorrect... it was all D'Angelo's machinations that brought the whole miserable event together. Anyone else in that position... the gambit might not have been possible."

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Wed Oct 02, 2024 3:38 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Colin nodded, "He is the one who allowed me to stall the ritual, and then stopped it immediately and completely when Adley brought evidence that Bee's sentence was incorrect... it was all D'Angelo's machinations that brought the whole miserable event together. Anyone else in that position... the gambit might not have been possible."

"But they started did they not? Bee was hurt?"
Tragedy muttered.
"She is okey now right? She is going to be fine?"
The young Verbena asked sounding concerned.
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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Nicole Bouchard Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:46 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Etherite Labs]

Anja's Post:

'Thank you, sir.' Nicole replied, taking the items. 'I'll give it a try once we're out of here...'

Anja's Post:

Colin's Post:

A shrug. 'It's always a tradeoff between running costs, efficiency of engines and weight-to-power ratios. Increasing fuel energy density is one way, but runs the risk of being incompatible with current systems.'

Anja's Post:

Silently, she did as bidden.

[What the hell is going on with their prisoner? He's not even been secured...]
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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Thu Oct 03, 2024 7:47 am

[Horizon Chantry, Etherite Labs]

Thank you, sir.' Nicole replied, taking the items. 'I'll give it a try once we're out of here...'

Mulch nodded he was friendly but a bit of reserved by nature from what you remember.

A shrug. 'It's always a tradeoff between running costs, efficiency of engines and weight-to-power ratios. Increasing fuel energy density is one way, but runs the risk of being incompatible with current systems.'

"That is true, first I am making this for a new project being built but I am hoping to amke a more universal, effective fuel to upgrade all of our ships."
Dr Beck replied, scratching her head with a stained hand.

Silently, she did as bidden.

The group started moving with Masters Kaur and Dr Mulch taking care of the prisoner, nothing seamed to be amiss but Nile you had that feeling, that had kept you alive many a time, that something was amiss, even if you did not see anything as you walked though the corridors, something felt off in a way you could not put your finger on.

(OOC: It was mentioned that Tolle's group secured the prisoner at the start of the scene but yes I forgot to mention that Mulch and Kuar lead Dominic out in the walking order as everyone head out of the catacombs.That was a bit of a brain fart on my part.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Warpmind Thu Oct 03, 2024 11:10 am

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]
Nicole wrote:A shrug. 'It's always a tradeoff between running costs, efficiency of engines and weight-to-power ratios. Increasing fuel energy density is one way, but runs the risk of being incompatible with current systems.'
Colin nodded thoughtfully, "This fuel would be intended to make umbral transitions smoother, though, rather than increasing engine power as such... hum, perhaps a better simile would be replacing lead with ethanol in gasoline? Have the engines run a little cleaner, in several respects? Or perhaps upgrading from a coal furnace to an atomic reactor to power water turbines for power generation?"

((OOC: I ignored Dr. Beck's reply there, because this conversation happens while she is out. Small continuity wrinkle there, and we can't have that. Wink ))

Anja wrote:"But they started did they not? Bee was hurt?"
Tragedy muttered.
"She is okey now right? She is going to be fine?"
The young Verbena asked sounding concerned.
He nodded, "She has been made whole, as such; her Avatar is intact and recovering. Having her family present, as it were, helps..."

Nicole wrote:Silently, she did as bidden.
Anja wrote:The group started moving with Masters Kaur and Dr Mulch taking care of the prisoner, nothing seamed to be amiss but Nile you had that feeling, that had kept you alive many a time, that something was amiss, even if you did not see anything as you walked though the corridors, something felt off in a way you could not put your finger on.
He followed along, eyes darting from the environment to the others in the group, in case any of the other Magi picked up on something Colin missed, his Parma raised under the Scrambler just in case.

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Nicole Bouchard Thu Oct 03, 2024 3:16 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Etherite Labs]


'Both of them cause higher maintenance and running costs. And skill. Unless the advantages were significant, I'd not bother. Plus, it would still need to be able to burn Union fuel...' Nicole replied in an offhand manner, looking around the room.


Nicole kept alert, hoping others would too.

(Wrong location tags again?)
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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Warpmind Thu Oct 03, 2024 3:32 pm

[Horizon Chantry, Etherite Labs]
Nicole wrote:'Both of them cause higher maintenance and running costs. And skill. Unless the advantages were significant, I'd not bother. Plus, it would still need to be able to burn Union fuel...' Nicole replied in an offhand manner, looking around the room.
Colin shrugged, "In this case, the fuel would probably be more akin to replacing the lead in gasoline; not seeking more powerful combustion, but a more even burn. I don't think adding the equivalent of nitrous oxide to the shuttle fuel would be conducive to a smoother ride... hum, it does seem likely the fuel should not require engine adaptations; that would rather be an exercise in futility, don't you think?"

((OOC: Eh, we're still in the catacombs, just in the Etherite wing thereof.))

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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Jeremy Silverstein Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:35 am

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

Anja wrote:"What if you draw us arriving safely at the clinic, I mean I don't know if there is magick in it but it could not hurt right, you know what the manifestation shit everyone always talk about."
Tragedy suggested patting Serge on the shoulder as the group started moving.
Anja wrote:The group started moving with Masters Kaur and Dr Mulch taking care of the prisoner, nothing seamed to be amiss but Nile you had that feeling, that had kept you alive many a time, that something was amiss, even if you did not see anything as you walked though the corridors, something felt off in a way you could not put your finger on.

"Drawings gotten a bit more difficult for me." Serge said pulling out the remnants of the pencil which was shot in half and haphazardly whittled with the dagger.

"Of course given the fact that I am an Art Mage...." he began before pulling out another fully intact spare drawing pencil from his pocket. He also pulled out a pen from his back pocket. "...I do have spares. But, like, having my pencil shot feels like its a point in the story where I should start trying to explore magick beyond my comfort zone. Forced to MacGyver my magick with duct tape and catacomb rocks. Also I have no clue what that clinics looks like so that might be a more pressing issue."
Jeremy Silverstein
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The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62 - Page 4 Empty Re: The Great Verbena Rescue, Dinner with the Admiral and Evil Twins IC Thread 62

Post by Anja Rebekka Schultze Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:37 am

[Horizon Chantry, Catacombs]

He nodded, "She has been made whole, as such; her Avatar is intact and recovering. Having her family present, as it were, helps..."

"I can not imagine how Bee are feeling she must have been."
Tragedy shivered.
"I guess all we can do is try to comfort her..."

He followed along, eyes darting from the environment to the others in the group, in case any of the other Magi picked up on something Colin missed, his Parma raised under the Scrambler just in case.

The only thing unusual you notice are a group of small spider spirits hurriedly scuttling away, one of them hauling her egg sack, the spirits looked like they was fleeing.

Nicole kept alert, hoping others would too.

You do not know what alerted you, instinct perhaps but you are sure there are someone up ahead as the tunnel turn towards the stairs that would take travelers from the Etherite catacombs and into the Hermetic section. Someone was up ahead and they was trouble. You also think you see Dominic tense up a bit as he was led down the hallway by Master Kaur and Dr Mulch.

"Drawings gotten a bit more difficult for me." Serge said pulling out the remnants of the pencil which was shot in half and haphazardly whittled with the dagger.

"Of course given the fact that I am an Art Mage...." he began before pulling out another fully intact spare drawing pencil from his pocket. He also pulled out a pen from his back pocket. "...I do have spares. But, like, having my pencil shot feels like its a point in the story where I should start trying to explore magick beyond my comfort zone. Forced to MacGyver my magick with duct tape and catacomb rocks. Also I have no clue what that clinics looks like so that might be a more pressing issue."

"Well you can always just imagine how the clinic look."
Tragedy muttered, she looked at the shot pencil.
"Yeah that was pretty close."
Amadeus chimed in.
"You have visited the Clinic Mr Yager earlier the day when your Cabal brought a wounded man there."
He said being careful with his words in case someone was listening in.

(OOC: Yes you are in the Ethrite section of the Catacombs. As for Dr Beck yeah sorry my bad she was away getting Master Tolle at that time.)
Anja Rebekka Schultze
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